Proposed Halswell Junction Road extension—new link

Plans include closure of existing railway level crossing and proposed new link road.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 1 September 2017 to 25 September 2017

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Update: Council decision on proposal 

At its meeting on 1 March 2018 Christchurch City Council resolved:

 That the Council:

1.         Approve the scheme design for the Halswell Junction Road Extension (new link), as detailed in Attachment A of the agenda.

2.         Approve that detailed design is progressed and progress with the physical works tender that is conditional on adequate funding being available in the next Long Term Plan.

3.         Approve that the intersection of Halswell Junction Road and Waterloo Road be controlled by traffic signals in accordance with the Land Transport Act – Traffic Control Devices: 2004, as detailed in Attachment A of the agenda. 

4.         Approve that a special vehicle lane for the use of north bound cycles only, be established on the west side of Halswell Junction Road, commencing at its intersection with Main South Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 266 metres. This special vehicle lane is to be located against the west side kerb line and west side mobility parking space, detailed in Attachment A of the agenda. This special vehicle lane is authorised under clause 13 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2008, and is therefore to be added to the Register of Roads or Traffic Lanes Restricted to Specific Classes of Vehicles.

5.         Approve that a special vehicle lane for the use of south bound cycles only, be established on the east side of Halswell Junction Road, commencing 55 metres north of Main South Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 173 metres. This special vehicle lane is to be located against the east side kerb line and east side parking lane, detailed in Attachment A of the agenda. This special vehicle lane is authorised under clause 13 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2008, and is therefore to be added to the Register of Roads or Traffic Lanes Restricted to Specific Classes of Vehicles.

6.         Approve that a bi directional shared path be installed on the north west side of Halswell Junction Road for the use of north east and south west bound cyclists and pedestrians commencing  at a distance of 18 metres from its intersection with Foremans Road (west) and extending in a north easterly direction to its intersection with Waterloo Road (west).

7.         Approve that a bi directional shared path be installed on the south east side of Halswell Junction Road for the use of north east and south west bound cyclists and pedestrians commencing a distance of 20 metres from its with intersection with Halswell Junction Road (east) and extending in a north easterly direction to its intersection with Waterloo Road.

8.         Approve that a bi directional shared path be installed on the south east side of Halswell Junction Road for the use of north east and south west bound cyclists and pedestrians commencing at its intersection with Waterloo Road (east) and extending in a north easterly direction to its intersection with Waterloo Road (west).

Councillor Chen/Councillor Galloway                                                                                                                    Carried

Councillor Templeton requested her vote against the resolution be recorded. 

Update: Meeting to discuss proposal 

A Council staff report seeking approval for the proposed link road from Foremans Road to Waterloo Road will be considered by the Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board on Tuesday 30 January 2018.

Of the 81 submissions received, 58 respondents generally supported the proposed plans, with 12 saying they wanted the plans implemented as soon as possible. Twenty three submitters expressed concerns about a range of issues including facilities for cyclists, access, parking availability and landscaping.

Update: Meeting to discuss proposal 

A Council staff report seeking approval for the proposed link road from Foremans Road to Waterloo Road will be considered by the Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board on Tuesday 30 January 2018.

Of the 81 submissions received, 58 respondents generally supported the proposed plans, with 12 saying they wanted the plans implemented as soon as possible. Twenty three submitters expressed concerns about a range of issues including facilities for cyclists, access, parking availability and landscaping.

The following changes have been recommended by staff in the plans for approval:

  •   Shared paths on both sides of the new link road between Waterloo Road and Foremans Road.
  •  The southbound bus shelter has been moved slightly south to allow the new shared path to be located behind the shelter, removing any conflict with bus passengers.
  •  The road has been widened slightly to the north of the new level crossing to allow a wider flush median that can be used by vehicles turning into the new driveway for 370 Waterloo Road.
  •  An indented mobility space will be located on Halswell Junction Road outside the premises of Fulton Hogan.

 Consultation summary [PDF, 26 KB]

Submitters' comments and project team responses [PDF, 112 KB]

Plans for approval [PDF, 2.7 MB]

The agenda for this meeting, including the report and any additional information, can be viewed online from Wednesday 24 January 2018 on the following webpage link)


New railway crossing planned

Location of the proposed railway crossing

Location of the proposed railway crossing

 A new link redirecting Halswell Junction Road traffic from Foremans Road over a new railway crossing to Waterloo Business Park and Pound Road is proposed by Christchurch City Council.

 We are inviting your feedback on this proposal which is designed to provide a safer, more direct route for road users, especially large trucks moving through this area.  Links to plans for each section of the proposed scheme are included below.

 Key features of the project are:

  • Creating a new link between Foremans Road and Waterloo Road on a 16 metre wide road corridor that has been agreed with the land owners;
  • Construction of a new level crossing, as agreed with KiwiRail; 
  • Closure of the existing level crossing and Halswell Junction Road at that point; and
  • Realignment of Waterloo Road near the current level crossing.

Proposed Halswell Junction Road Extension–new link

Halswell Junction Road—Main South Road to Foremans Road (sheet 1) [PDF, 234 KB]

View of Halswell Junction Road from Main South Road. Leslie Park is on the right

Most of this section of Halswell Junction Road is outside the main project area. However, the Council is taking the opportunity to replace a dirt track beside Leslie Park and build new footpath connections on both sides of the road.

A painted flush median will help direct traffic approaching Main South Road, and some landscaping is proposed. 

The Council is also discussing the future of the weighbridge with Fulton Hogan, owner of the adjacent site. 

Halswell Junction Road / Foremans Road / New Link (sheet 2) [PDF, 1.2 MB]

A major realignment of the existing intersection is proposed. It leads into a new, more direct route to Waterloo Business Park and Pound Road.

The initial section includes extensive landscaping and stop controls on Halswell Junction Road and also Foremans Road west, which is upgraded on the south side.

New bus stops and shelters are proposed on both sides of the new link road which will also have a pedestrian refuge and sections of cycle lane leading to shared pedestrian and cycle paths.

Halswell Junction Road: New link to Waterloo Road intersection (sheet 3) [PDF, 493 KB]

Southern approach to the proposed railway crossing.

A new level rail crossing is a key feature of this project. Integrated rail and traffic signals at the Waterloo Road intersection will manage traffic along this potentially busy route.

A new footpath is proposed while a new shared path will connect to an existing shared path.  Painted medians will help define the road layout and additional landscaping is also proposed in the plans.

Halswell Junction Road (east) to Waterloo Road (sheet 4) [PDF, 249 KB]

This section of Halswell Junction Road becomes a cul-de-sac in the proposed scheme. The rail crossing is closed to all traffic, including pedestrians. The nearby turning area for vehicles, including rubbish trucks, is flanked by new trees and landscaping.

The name of this section of the street that is proposed to close will be discussed with affected landowners as part of a separate process.

Please note: Following a decision from Council, this project will be put forward for consideration in the Council's next Long Term Plan, 2018-2028. A construction timeline will be confirmed following Council approval and approved funding allocation.

Drop-in session

If you would like to discuss any aspect of this scheme with members of the project team, we will be at the Hornby Panthers Rugby League Clubrooms, Leslie Park, corner of Halswell Junction Road and Main South Road, on Tuesday 12 September 2017, 4.30-6.30pm.

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