Proposed parking restrictions: Rapaki Road & Vernon Terrace

Christchurch City Council is proposing to install parking restrictions on Rapaki Road, Vernon Terrace, Montgomery Terrace and Erewhon Terrace.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 7 August 2017 to 23 August 2017

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Consultation has now closed

Consultation on proposed parking restrictions for Rapaki Road and Vernon Terrace has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 7 August 2017 to 23 August 2017.

During this time we heard from 94 individuals and groups. Full submission table and team responses are available below.

The final decision on this project was made at the Spreydon-Cashmere and Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Boards at their December 2017 meetings.  The Community Boards adopted the proposed plans with the links below.  This decision can be viewed in the meeting minutes online.(external link)

Update 2 November 2017

All responses have now been analysed for a report to be considered at the combined  Linwood-Central-Heathcote and Spreydon-Cashmere meeting on 24 November 2017. The report recommends approval for a final plan that includes some changes made as a result of consultation feedback. The proposed plans and full submissions are now available for viewing. A letter will soon be sent to all submitters regarding the meeting venue details and how to make a deputation if desired.

Rapaki Road Plan [PDF, 3.4 MB] for Community Board Decision

Vernon Terrace Plan [PDF, 3.6 MB] for Community Board Decision

Full submissions table [DOCX, 56 KB]

Team responses to submission feedback [DOCX, 17 KB]


What we are proposing and why:

Photo: Looking up Rapaki Road

Photo: Looking up Rapaki Road from Centaurus Road

Following resident requests Council engaged with the community during November 2016 to investigate parking congestion issues and proposed no stopping areas. Feedback received demonstrated that a wider study area needed to be investigated to truly understand the dynamics of parking within this vicinity. A parking review and further investigations have now been completed. The review area was extended to include all of Vernon Terrace plus Aynsley Terrace, Centaurus Road, Hillsborough Terrace, Heybridge Lane and Chorley Place. As result of these investigations a revised plan has now been developed. Please see the scheme plans below for an update on proposed parking restrictions for Rapaki, Vernon , Montgomery and Erewhon Terrace.

Map of Rapaki Road Prposed Parking Restrictions [PDF, 3.3 MB]

Map of Vernon Terrace Proposed Parking Restrictions [PDF, 3.6 MB] 

The objectives of this proposal are:   

  • to improve safety,
  • allow additional room for vehicles manoeuvring along roads,
  • to maintain access for emergency vehicles.


Following the closure of this consultation all responses will be compiled into a spreadsheet. Copies will be provided to the project team, elected members and made available to view online. Once staff have considered your submissions a written report with a staff recommendation will be sent to Spreydon-Cashmere and LinwoodCentral-Heathcote Community Boards for a decision at their next available meeting. Your elected members on the Community Boards are the decision makers on this project. All submitters will then be notified by letter to confirm details of the above meetings. Information will be provided on how to request speaking rights, if you would like a time slot, to present your submission as a deputation to the Community Board. This process takes approximately three months to complete. It can take longer if there are unusual or complex decisions to be considered in conjunction with the project.

Drop-in session

For more information come and talk to us at the Scout Den, 297 Centaurus Road, Cashmere. Monday, 14 August, between 4.30 and 6.00pm

Please ensure that your comments reach us by 5pm, Wednesday 23 Aug 2017.

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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