The applicant seeks resource consent to construct a freestanding 32m² LED billboard sign. Please see attached Assessment of Effects for further detail.
Application [PDF, 6.2 MB]
Executive Summary [PDF, 292 KB]
Notice of hearing
Please note that the above resource consent application has been set down for a hearing before a Commissioner as follows:
Date: Thursday 2 November 2017
Time: 9am-3pm
Venue: Committee Room No. 2, 2nd Floor, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street
Please see link below for Notice of Hearing and Hearing Information:
Notice of Hearing & Hearing Information
Council officers’ report
A copy of the Council officers’ report and appendices are attached for your information.
Appendix 2 - Boffa Miskell Assessment
Appendix 3 - Environmental Health Memo
Appendix 4 - Application and s95 Documents
Appendix 5 - All Submissions Received
Appendix 6 - CDP Signage Rules
Appendix 7 - Commissioners Decision
Applicant's Hearing Evidence
Hearing Evidence - Mike Gray - Company Evidence
Hearing Evidence - Mike Gray - Visual File - Auckland -
Hearing Evidence - Mike Gray - Visual File - Australia
Hearing Evidence - Mike Gray - Visual File - Weather
Hearing Evidence - Andrew Metherell - Transportation
Hearing Evidence - Andrew Metherell - Attachment A
Hearing Evidence - Andrew Carr
Hearing Evidence - David Compton-Moen - Urban Design & Landscape
Hearing officially closed 15 November 2017.
Decision Issued (6 December 2017)
Please find enclosed a copy of the Council's decision on the above application, pursuant to Section 114 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Decision Letter & Appeal Information
Application complete. No appeals received