Everyone should be able to safely walk, scooter, bus, cycle or drive where they want to go. That’s why we’re planning to renew Innes Road as its condition has deteriorated and needs to be fixed.
Consultation on Innes Road renewal has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from Wednesday 28 June to Wednesday 12 July 2023.
During this time, we heard from 46 individuals and groups. You can read their feedback(external link) and the staff recommendation(external link) as part of the agenda for the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board meeting, and find out how this influenced the Community Board decision(external link). You can also watch the decision being made(external link).
We expect construction to begin during the last quarter of 2023 to first quarter of 2024, and are aiming for Christmas holidays to minimise disruption. We will stay in touch.
We're planning to renew Innes Road as its condition has deteriorated and needs to be fixed. We’re also making other improvements to make it safer to travel on Innes Road.
Download the plans [PDF, 709 KB]
A raised pedestrian zebra crossing incorporates a priority crossing, featuring white striped bars on a platform raised above the road carriageway. This gives pedestrians priority, making it safer to cross, and helps to reinforce slower vehicle speeds and opportunities to give way.
This approach supports Road to Zero(external link)(external link), New Zealand’s road safety strategy with a vision where everyone, whether they’re walking, cycling, driving, motorcycling or taking public transport, can get to where they’re going safely.
Raised safety platforms make the crossings safer and more attractive for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. These users are more vulnerable to serious injury or death from impact as they do not have the same protection as cars.
Raised pedestrian zebra crossing example