Summit Road Proposed prohibited times on road restrictions

Summit Road is a popular recreational area with ecological significance. It is vulnerable to fires as seen recently, and historically with the burning of the Sign of the Bellbird in 2015. It is in the interests of the city to protect this asset.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 10 July 2017 to 25 August 2017

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Outcome of the Council Meeting

On Thursday 22 March, Council decided not go ahead with the proposal to restrict access to Summit Road. 

Council resolved: 

That the Council:

1.         Does not approve the installation of a Prohibited Times on Road Restriction on Summit Road (Rapaki Road - Gebbies Pass Road) and Worsleys Road (Summit Road - start of the Track).  

2.         Requests that the Port Hills Management Plan be advanced as soon as possible recognising that the outcomes and objectives of that Plan may assist in achieving positive outcomes for the Summit Road and other affected roads in the area covered by that Plan.   

3.         Requests that a joint briefing on these matters be provided as soon as possible to the affected Community Boards. 

4.         Request a report to enable consideration of lowering of the speed limit on the Summit Road within four months. 

5.         Request a report to enable consideration of mechanisms that could potentially identify users of the Summit Road for crime prevention purposes within four months. 

6.         Notes that the Police are agreeable to assisting with measures to curb anti-social behaviour on the Summit Road. 


Outcome of the Hearing Panel

A Hearing was held on Thursday 15 February. The Hearing Panel have read all of the submissions and have heard deputations from two residents and two interest groups. Following this, they resolved that: 

The Hearings Panel recommends that the Council:

  1. Does not approve the installation of a Prohibited Times on Road Restriction on Summit Road (Rapaki Road - Gebbies Pass Road) and Worsleys Road (Summit Road - start of the Track).
  2. Requests that the Port Hills Management Plan be advanced as soon as possible recognising that the outcomes and objectives of that Plan may assist in achieving positive outcomes for the Summit Road and other affected roads in the area covered by that Plan.
  3. Requests that a joint briefing on these matters be provided as soon as possible to the affected Community Boards.
  4. Considers a lowering of the speed limit on the Summit Road.
  5. Considers a mechanism that would potentially identify users of the Summit Road for crime prevention purposes.
  6. Notes that the Police are agreeable to assisting with measures to curb anti-social behaviour on the Summit Road.

Decision Making meeting

Submitters will be informed of the details of the Council decision making meeting once the date has been confirmed. 


Consultation Summary

After considering the written submissions received, staff intend to recommend that Council not proceed with the proposal to restrict night time access of vehicles on Summit Road (Rapaki Road - Gebbies Pass Road) and Worsleys Road (Summit Road - start of the Track).

During the consultation period we received 865 submissions – 221 were in support, 99 were in support but had some concerns, and 545 did not support the proposal.

The themes of the submissions included:

 Concerns about the proposal

  • Restricting freedom of movement.
  • A minority ruining it for the majority.
  • Restricts photographers, in particular astronomy and landscape photographers.
  • Restricts visitors to the city seeing the view.
  • That it could drive the problem elsewhere.
  • That it would not be enforced by Police.


  • Restricted access would make it safer for cyclists.
  • It is a safer place for boy racers to use rather than in the city where it is more heavily populated.
  • Concerns about Police not enforcing antisocial behaviour.


  • Comments on bonafide users and visitors.
  • Access for enjoyment of the view.
  • Access for stargazing.
  • It’s a recreation space.


  • Need to keep the hills beautiful.
  • It’s a precious environment.
  • The Port Hills belong to the people.

Alternative solutions

  • Add cameras.
  • Increase policing.
  • Install gates/speed bumps/barriers.
  • Increase the restricted hours.
  • Adjust the hours of restricted access by season.
  • Provide permits for bonafide visitors.
  • Add more roads to the restriction; including Gebbies Pass Road and Dyers Pass Road.
  • Educate on safe driving.
  • Provide an alternative space for car enthusiasts. 

All submissions (with names and without addresses) are available to view.  [PDF, 4.1 MB] 

Submission attachments are also available to view.  [PDF, 3.1 MB]

Decision Making

All submissions have now been collated and will be considered by the Council’s Hearings Panel on Thursday 15 February. The Hearings Panel will also consider the views presented by any submitters who wish to be heard in person, and are available to appear and speak on the assigned hearings date.

The Hearings Panel will consider submissions on behalf of Council, and make recommendations to the Council for a decision. The Panel will not decide whether the proposal is approved or not.

Following the meeting, a Hearings Panel report to Council will convey the Panel’s recommendations for a decision. The Hearings Panel may adjourn if it requires further information before making a recommendation. For this reason, and to allow the Hearings Panel report to Council to be written and approved, it may be some time before Council considers the matter.



Concerns have been raised regarding anti-social road use, safety, damage, vandalism, fire and rubbish. Council have been working with Police, Summit Road Protection Authority and the Selwyn District Council to investigate possible solutions.

Burn-outs on Summit Road

Summit Road - antisocial road use


Refer to consultation plan [PDF, 2.2 MB]

Under the Cruising and Prohibited Times on Roads Bylaw 2014, Christchurch City Council in conjunction with Selwyn District Council proposes to restrict night time road access to Summit Road (between Rapaki Road and Gebbies Pass Road) and Worsleys Road (Summit Road to the start of the Track).

The proposed time restrictions will prohibit vehicles under 3500kg on Summit Road (from Rapaki Road to Gebbies Pass Road) and Worsleys Road (from Summit Road to the start of the Track) from 10pm - 5am, Thursday to Monday, and public holidays.

The Bylaw allows for exceptions to the prohibition including:

  • Maintaining access to Summit Road properties for owners, occupiers and their bona fide visitors.
  • Continued access for vehicles over 3500kg, cyclists and pedestrians. 

Overnight access will be unrestricted on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Car parking opposite the Sign of the Kiwi will be unaffected.

We want to hear your views on the proposal. Tell us what you think by 5pm, Friday 4 August 2017. This will help Council to make an informed decision in late 2017.

 Examples of anti-social road use and damage

Summit Road showing burn-outs

Summit Road carpark showing burn-outs and graffitiSummit Road showing burnouts

Decision making process

All feedback will be considered by the project team, prior to a staff recommendation being made at the Joint Community Boards / Infrastructure Transport Environment meeting.

The Joint Community Boards / Infrastructure Transport Environment committee will consider the staff recommendation and community feedback prior to making a recommendation to Council. Council will make a final decision on the proposal.

All submitters will receive information about the consultation summary, staff recommendation and the decision making meeting before the meeting is held.


Monday 10 July 2017 - Consultation opens
Friday 4 August 2017 - Consultation closes
October 2017 - Submitters notified of the consultation results
October 2017 - Joint Community Boards/Infrastructure Transport Environment meeting
November 2017 - Council decision making meeting
Summer 2018 - Project Implementation (subject to Council approval)

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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