Christchurch and Banks Peninsula households that regularly use much more water than average pay extra for their water supply. Know and reduce your property's water use with our Water Reporter.

Did you receive a bill for high water use?

You can pay your bill online. There is no surcharge for online credit card payments. 

Or find out more about applying for a remission(external link).

What's my water use?


What sorta water user are you?

High user

  Over 700L
  per day

At least 70 standard buckets of water per day.

Above-average user

  480L to 700L
  per day

About 48 to 70 standard buckets of water per day.

Low user

  Below 480L
  per day

Up to 48 standard buckets of water per day.


High water user?


Average water use is based on the annual median household water use in Christchurch, which is 480 litres per day. 

You’ll be charged for any excess water use recorded at your property each quarter. Good water-saving habits could save you money.

A high water meter reading could be the result of a number of things.

  • Have you been watering your garden often, or for long periods?
  • Any outside sprinklers or irrigators left on by mistake?
  • Got a leak somewhere?

Learn more about excess water charges.

Seek the leak


Be onto it with leaks at your place and it could help you avoid water charges.

Watch the video below and check out our step-by-step guide on How to check for leaks.

Leak in the road? Whether it’s a big leak or a little squirt, use our Snap Send Solve app or contact us.

Water like you oughta


It's up to all of us to be mindful of how we water. Making small changes can result in a big reduction in your water use.

Check out these water-saving tips and tricks.

In hot, dry weather, the demand for water can double. When this happens, we need to draw water from all of our wells to cope with demand.

Sometimes, we may even use water faster than we can pump it and fill our reservoirs, leading to supply issues and reduced pressure. This can impact activities like firefighting.

Remission information


We know some households have higher water use and remissions are available in certain circumstances.

Read remission criteria and apply for a remission. 

If any of these circumstances apply, you might be eligible for a remission: 

  • Unexpected high use due to a leak, upon proof the leak was repaired promptly.
  • Families with more than eight members, using water responsibly.
  • High use due to a personal medical condition.

Learn more about the criteria for remissions and what you’ll need to provide