We’re working in partnership with the local community to restore the health of the Cashmere Stream to create a legacy we can all be proud of, and one future generations can build on, enjoy and value.

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Cashmere Stream is a part of our community

Cashmere Stream is an integral part of our community’s sense of identity and wellbeing.

We’re enhancing a two-kilometre section of Cashmere Stream between Sutherlands Road and Dunbars Stream to improve the health of the stream and enhance and provide new and diverse habitat for native plants and animals to live.

The project seeks to achieve a balance where the ecological values and mauri of the stream are enhanced and protected, while its archaeological values are also celebrated and acknowledged as an important part of its story and future. 

The project is part of an extensive work programme that will reduce flood risk in the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River catchment and reduce untreated stormwater and sediment discharging into the stream.

A partnership for success

We’re working alongside mana whenua and our local community on this legacy project to create a better future for Cashmere Stream and the biodiversity it supports. 

The local community, Cashmere Stream Care Group, Healthy Ōpāwaho, the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River Network, Environment Canterbury and the Christchurch West Melton Zone Committee and others have tirelessly advocated for the restoration of the cultural and ecological health of Cashmere Stream.

A lot of work has happened over many years, such as fencing, planting, weeding and landscaping, and we’re starting to see the results of all the hard work.

We’ve now got Government funding to continue the work, which means we can achieve a lot more over a shorter timeframe. The Council has also committed $1.6 million for this project over the next three years. 

We will be working with:

This project continues the good work that’s been done in the headwaters of Cashmere Stream (upstream from Sutherlands Road) by the Cashmere Stream Care Group and the local community. Find out more.(external link)

The Cashmere Stream Care Group works with us on the design and planting days. If you’re keen to get involved, visit Cashmere Stream Care Group Facebook page.(external link)

About the project

This is a three-year enhancement project to restore the ecological health of Cashmere Stream, which has been degraded since the original wetland was drained for farming in the 19th Century.

Cashmere Stream is approximately 4.9km long and is fed from springs and run-off from the Port Hills and surrounding farm land. The stream flows into the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River, while it’s usually clear spring water, it can at times be a source of sediment to the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River. 

The enhancement of Cashmere Stream will happen alongside the development of a new 100-hectare flood storage and stormwater treatment facility being constructed between Cashmere Road and Sutherlands Road. This facility will help reduce the risk of flooding in the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River catchment and capture and reduce sediment running into the stream. View the facility masterplan [PDF, 16 MB].

The project will enhance a two-kilometre section of the stream and will be delivered in stages to help reduce the ecological impact of the works. The entire project is due for completion in 2024.

Project Overview

We intend to flatten the slope of the banks, create meanders and instream habitat, and plant the banks and wider margins with appropriate native plant species.

We’re planning to mostly keep the stream in its current location, both to retain the existing habitat and preserve historic early European archaeological features. We’ll create a new stream channel for part of the length downstream of the Hoon Hay Valley stream. This is so we can restore the stream to its original location and because this stretch can’t be fully enhanced without moving it. 

We’ll plant native plants and create instream features with rocks and logs to improve the habitat for a range of fish, insects, animals, and birds, including species such as wai kōura (freshwater crayfish), kākahi (freshwater mussels), tuna (shortfin and longfin eels) and īnanga (a whitebait species). 

These plants create shade and reduce weed growth and run-off from surrounding land. There will also be a walking and cycling path following the stream, connecting Sutherlands Road and Cashmere Road, and opportunities for informal recreation including spots to picnic near the water. 

Together, the new stormwater facility and Cashmere Stream works will plant up to 12,500 native trees and 350,000 other locally sourced native grasses and shrubs between Sutherlands and Cashmere roads.  These projects will increase biodiversity and create new habitats for native birds, fish and animals.

These two projects will provide significant environmental benefits and be a great space for the community to enjoy, with an extensive network of walking paths and green spaces alongside the stream and around the wetlands.

Latest news

23 June 2023

Due to bad weather, the final community planting day has been postponed until 1 July. The Cashmere Stream Care Group is hosting the event. Check out the new details below: 

  • 1 July 2023 - 9.30am - 12pm (BBQ to follow)

30 May 2023

Work on the Cashmere Stream Enhancement Project is now nearing completion. The final community planting day for the project takes place on Saturday 1 July from 9.30am to 12.30pm, with a BBQ to follow.

Led by the Cashmere Stream Care Group, 2000 native plants will be planted during the session. 

See full details, including how to access the planting site(external link).

20 January 2023

We now have all the required consents and agreements in place to start work on stages 3 and 4. Construction is planned to start in February.

The final two stages of the project involve realigning the stream, building a 3-metre wide pathway, placing instream features, and areas to access the water.

12,000 native plants will also be added throughout these stages. Our next community planting days are planned for late autumn.


Timeline and design stages

August 2021

The Ministry for the Environment has given the Council a grant of almost $1.5 million through its Freshwater Improvement Fund to help fund restoration work on Cashmere Stream.

The Council has also committed $1.6 million for this project over the next three years.

Spring 2021

We’ve drawn up initial concept designs, which we shared with the community on 22 November. See the initial concept designs. [PDF, 9.3 MB]

Summer 2021

See the detailed designs for the first stage [PDF, 5 MB].

Design for the other stages will roll out after completion of each stage, and take on board any learnings from the construction of previous stages. 

Autumn 2022

Construction is starting on the first stage near Sutherlands Road in April. Read the work notice(external link).

Winter 2022

Work on stage 1b and 2 starting. Read the work notice [PDF, 487 KB]. Work on these stages is expected to be completed in December 2022.

See the finalised plans for stage 1b and 2 [PDF, 8.5 MB].

Spring 2022

The draft design plans for stage 3 [PDF, 13 MB] and stage 4 [PDF, 23 MB] have been finalised.

Summer 2023

We now have all the consents and agreements in place to start works on stages 3 and 4. See the final draft design plans for stage 3 [PDF, 7.8 MB] and stage 4 [PDF, 6.8 MB]. Construction is planned to start in February 2023. 

Works in these two stages include realigning the stream, building a 3 metre wide pathway, placing instream features and areas to access the water and planting over 12,000 native plants.

Winter 2023

Work on the final stages of the project is nearing completion. The final community planting day for the project will take place on Saturday 24 June. Led by the Cashmere Stream Care Group, 2000 plants will be planted during the session.

Winter 2024

All stages planned to be completed. We’ll continue to monitor the ecological and cultural health of the stream. 

August 2021

The Ministry for the Environment has given the Council a grant of almost $1.5 million through its Freshwater Improvement Fund to help fund restoration work on Cashmere Stream.

The Council has also committed $1.6 million for this project over the next three years.

Spring 2021

We’ve drawn up initial concept designs, which we shared with the community on 22 November. See the initial concept designs. [PDF, 9.3 MB]

Summer 2021

See the detailed designs for the first stage [PDF, 5 MB].

Design for the other stages will roll out after completion of each stage, and take on board any learnings from the construction of previous stages. 

Autumn 2022

Construction is starting on the first stage near Sutherlands Road in April. Read the work notice(external link).

Winter 2022

Work on stage 1b and 2 starting. Read the work notice [PDF, 487 KB]. Work on these stages is expected to be completed in December 2022.

See the finalised plans for stage 1b and 2 [PDF, 8.5 MB].

Spring 2022

The draft design plans for stage 3 [PDF, 13 MB] and stage 4 [PDF, 23 MB] have been finalised.

Summer 2023

We now have all the consents and agreements in place to start works on stages 3 and 4. See the final draft design plans for stage 3 [PDF, 7.8 MB] and stage 4 [PDF, 6.8 MB]. Construction is planned to start in February 2023. 

Works in these two stages include realigning the stream, building a 3 metre wide pathway, placing instream features and areas to access the water and planting over 12,000 native plants.

Winter 2023

Work on the final stages of the project is nearing completion. The final community planting day for the project will take place on Saturday 24 June. Led by the Cashmere Stream Care Group, 2000 plants will be planted during the session.

Winter 2024

All stages planned to be completed. We’ll continue to monitor the ecological and cultural health of the stream. 

Concept designs

We drew up initial concept designs and shared them with the community on 22 November 2021. You can view the finalised designs here [PDF, 5.3 MB].

During the design work, we considered how we’ll:

  • Minimise the impact of the work on the plants, animals, birds, insects and aquatic life, including wai kōura (freshwater crayfish), tuna (shortfin and longfin eels), īnanga (a whitebait species) and tīpokopoko (bullies). 
  • Maintain existing soft banks in areas where wai kōura create their burrows.
  • Improve the stream’s biodiversity and habitat, in-stream and on its banks.
  • Create shaded areas to help maintain lower water temperatures and reduce weed growth.
  • Provide opportunities for walking and biking along the stream and spots where people can get to the water.
  • Make the area more accessible for everyone.
  • Support mana whenua values and opportunities for harvesting mahinga kai.
  • Consider the archaeological status of the waterway alignment (as it was dug before 1900).


The Ministry for the Environment has given the Council a grant of almost $1.5 million through its Freshwater Improvement Fund to help contribute towards the restoration work on Cashmere Stream.

This funding means we can achieve much more over a shorter timeframe than we would be able to do with Council funding alone, or from community fundraising. Read more on Newsline(external link).

This project forms part of a $50 million investment by the Council in stormwater treatment, wetland creation and floodplain management infrastructure in the area surrounding Cashmere Stream.

This project continues the good work that’s been done in the headwaters of Cashmere Stream (upstream from Sutherlands Road) by the Cashmere Stream Care Group and the local community. Read more on Newsline.(external link)

Part of an historic wetland

Cashmere Stream is a spring-fed headwater tributary of the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River. It’s approximately 4.5km in length and joins the main waterway at Worsleys Reserve beside Worsleys Road and Cashmere Road, Cracroft.

Cashmere Stream is part of a historically significant wetland that was traditionally used by Māori as a food gathering area and it is home to a number of threatened species, such as wai kōura (freshwater crayfish), kākahi (freshwater mussels), tuna (shortfin and longfin eels), īnanga (a whitebait species), poaka (pied stilts) and tōrea pango (oyster catchers).

Protecting Cashmere Stream is a priority for the health of the waterways throughout the catchment, including the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River downstream.