Kate Sheppard made several trips 'home'. Learn more about her final visit to England, when she travelled with Jennie and Will Lovell-Smith, via India and Europe.

How did the trio of Kiwis, all aged in their sixties, respond to two months in India, when they travelled by train from the South to the North, finishing up in Bombay? And how did they react to their Cooks tour through many of the great cities of Western Europe?

Family letters written home provide information about where they went but also their response to what they saw. Their nine months in England also reveal much about their interests and priorities, as they caught up with family and friends and went on motor car tours through England, Scotland and Wales, while also taking a keen interest in politics and the women’s suffrage movement.

Margaret Lovell-Smith is a Christchurch writer with a special interest in local history and the nineteenth century women's movement.

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Image: Kate Sheppard, with Jennie and Will Lovell-Smith photographed while they were in India.