Conservation Volunteers New Zealand and Christchurch City Council are proud to announce the return of Ōtautahi’s spade-dating event.

Join us in a romantic spot within the lush greenery of the red zone to do some hand-releasing of native restoration plantings, followed by a picnic and games. 

This year we are joined by Christchurch City Libraries who will bring along their adult-sized games and mobile library. 

The mahi is half a treasure hunt as we rummage through long grasses searching for native plants that need to be cleared and given space to grow. You will be supporting the restoration efforts of the Avon-Ōtākaro Avon River corridor, as this work is essential for plant survival.  

To strengthen the collaborative, social aspect of volunteering we will be working in small groups and our team leaders will be throwing out some literary and nature-themed conversation starters and teasers to help turn strangers into friends… or maybe more?  

Refresh your soul by volunteering to support the environment, then celebrate your efforts with some kai reka to tickle your taste buds in this delightful spot. A spot of chess or discussions about books with the library team to finish a delightful evening.

Wear good sturdy shoes and dress for the weather. Gloves and tools will be provided.  

To access the planting site, please come in via Queensbury Street off New Brighton Road and turn right onto Goodman Road.