How we are tracking towards meeting our outcomes to promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of our city.

Our 2024-2034 Long Term Plan identified four community outcomes. This page identifies key indicators that help measure whether we are on the right track and highlights what the Council is doing to help achieve our goals.

A collaborative, confident city

STR6053 Strategic Priorities icons7

Our residents have the opportunity to actively participate in community and city life, have a strong sense of belonging and identity, and feel safe.

For this outcome, we monitor three sub-outcomes through 10 key indicators.

1. We can actively participate

Success looks like this
Residents and groups in the wider community are socially and actively engaged and can initiate, influence and make decisions that affect their lives.

Key indicators
Four indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the actively participate tab in the dashboard below for further information.

2. We have a sense of belonging and identity

Success looks like this
We support and help build connections between communities and their places and spaces to foster a sense of local identity, shared experience, and stewardship.

Key indicators
Three indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the belonging identity tab in the dashboard below for further information.

3. We feel safe

Success looks like this
Christchurch is a safe place that people are welcomed into, where each person is cared for and Rangatiratanga is respected.

Key indicators
Three indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the safe tab in the dashboard below for further information.


A green, liveable city

STR6053 Strategic Priorities icons8

Our neighbourhoods and communities are accessible and well-connected, supporting our goals to reduce emissions, build climate resilience and protect and regenerate the environment, especially our biodiversity, water bodies and tree canopy.

For this outcome, we monitor six sub-outcomes through 23 key indicators. 

1. We have well-connected communities and neighbourhoods

Success looks like this
Our city is designed so people can take fewer and shorter trips to access goods and services and have access to safe and reliable low-emission travel choices.

Key indicators
Three indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the well connected tab in the dashboard below for further information.

2. We reduce emissions

Success looks like this
Christchurch has net zero emissions by 2045.

Key indicators
Three indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the emissions tab in the dashboard below for further information.

3. We build climate resilience

Success looks like this
We understand and are preparing for the ongoing impacts of climate change; we have a just transition to an innovative, low-emission economy.

Key indicators
Six indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the climate resilience tab in the dashboard below for further information.

4. Biodiversity is supported

Success looks like this
Ecosystems supporting biodiversity are protected and restored.

Key indicators
Five indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the bIodiversity tab in the dashboard below for further information.

5. We improve the water quality of water resources

Success looks like this
We improve the water quality of water resources to protect ecosystem health and provide for contact recreation, food gathering, mahinga kai and cultural values.

Key indicators
Three indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the water tab in the dashboard below for further information.

6. Our urban forest thrives

Success looks like this
Our urban forest thrives with healthy, diverse and resilient trees.

Key indicators
Three indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the climate resilience tab in the dashboard below for further information.


A cultural powerhouse city

STR6053 Strategic Priorities icons9

Our diverse communities are supported to understand and protect their heritage, pursue their arts, cultural and sporting interests, and contribute to making our city a creative, cultural and events powerhouse.

For this outcome, we monitor five sub-outcomes through 13 key indicators. 

1. Our heritage is accessible

Success looks like this
Our heritage is accessible to all, shared and celebrated and includes and respects all the cultures and distinct communities of the district.

Key indicators
Two indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the heritage tab in the dashboard below for further information.

2. Opportunities to create and to experience the arts

Success looks like this
We support opportunities to create and experience the arts across a range of places and spaces so that a diversity of art forms and cultures are visible, ideas can be tested and shared, and the city and region are activated.

Key indicators
Three indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the arts creativity tab in the dashboard below for further information.

3. An inclusive multicultural and multilingual city

Success looks like this
Christchurch is an inclusive multicultural and multilingual city that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi – a city where all people belong.

Key indicators
Three indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the cultural identity tab in the dashboard below for further information.

4. Strong sporting culture

Success looks like this
Canterbury's strong sporting culture, and opportunities for recreation, are supported, valued and celebrated.

Key indicators
Three indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the sport tab in the dashboard below for further information.

5. Events

Success looks like this
Events contribute to Christchurch being a vibrant city where people want to live, play and visit.

Key indicators
Two indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the events tab in the dashboard below for further information.


A thriving, prosperous city

STR6053 Strategic Priorities icons10

Our city is a great place for people, business, and investment where we can all grow our potential, where enterprises are innovative and smart, and where together we raise productivity and reduce emissions.

For this outcome, we monitor four sub-outcomes through 16 key indicators.

1. We have a thriving city with a sustainable economy

Success looks like this
We have a thriving city with a sustainable economy.

Key indicators
Five indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the sustainable economy tab in the dashboard below for further information.

2. People are thriving

Success looks like this
Christchurch is regarded nationally and globally as a city that attracts people to do business, invest, study and live here.

Key indicators
Four indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the people tab in the dashboard below for further information.

3. A great place for business and investment

Success looks like this
Local businesses build the economic, social and environmental competitiveness of our city, delivering quality jobs and careers.

Key indicators
Four indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the business investment tab in the dashboard below for further information.

4. Business events attract visitors

Success looks like this
We have a focused approach to attracting high-value business events that build a strong profile for Christchurch and Canterbury, nationally and internationally, attracting visitors throughout the year, and leaving a positive legacy for the community and wider region.

Key indicators
Three indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the events tabs in the dashboard below for further information.
