1. We can actively participate
Success looks like this
Residents and groups in the wider community are socially and actively engaged and can initiate, influence and make decisions that affect their lives.
Key indicators
Four indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the actively participate tab in the dashboard below for further information.
2. We have a sense of belonging and identity
Success looks like this
We support and help build connections between communities and their places and spaces to foster a sense of local identity, shared experience, and stewardship.
Key indicators
Three indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the belonging identity tab in the dashboard below for further information.
3. We feel safe
Success looks like this
Christchurch is a safe place that people are welcomed into, where each person is cared for and Rangatiratanga is respected.
Key indicators
Three indicators are monitored under this section. Please refer to the safe tab in the dashboard below for further information.