The Council is proud to support local projects with the Sustainability Fund. Check out the great projects we have funded so far that help address our climate change objectives and targets.


Project Year Applicant Description Funding
The Pūharakekenui Free Trees Project 2023 Styx Living Laboratory Trust In collaboration with the local community, Christchurch City Council, Styx Living Laboratory Trust and Trees for Canterbury, plant approximately 1,000 native trees around the Styx River to support biodiversity. $10,750
Te Tuna Tāone /Urban Eel Action Learning Programme 2023 Christchurch Envirohub Trust(external link) Deliver a learning programme for school students about caring for our waterways and native eels. $25,000
CVNZ Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor Planting 2024 2023 Conservation Volunteers New Zealand Continue to restore native ecosystems in the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor. $35,000
Styx Living Laboratory Trust 2022 Styx Living Laboratory Trust Raise awareness of the value of urban trees, increase urban canopy coverage in the Redwood area in the vicinity of Murchison Park, engage communities, and conduct research into people’s perceptions of trees and their contribution to addressing both the climate emergency and ecological emergency. $10,000
Conservation Volunteers New Zealand 2022 Conservation Volunteers New Zealand(external link) The project aims to increase and enhance the biota within Christchurch City and to enhance community awareness of the value and role of healthy ecosystems in realising a sustainable future for the city and its citizens.  $20,000
Avoca Valley - landslips and climate change 2022 Summit Road Society Inc(external link)

We are mid-way through a large-scale Jobs for Nature planting programme to restore lowland podocarp forest to Avoca Valley in Heathcote. 

Te Tuna Tāone/Urban Eel 2021 Christchurch Envirohub(external link) Te Tuna Tāone is an action learning programme that works with schools in Ōtautahi/Christchurch to become kaitiaki and take action to improve the life of this taonga species, the longfin tuna/eel. $35,852
Restoration of Avoca Valley 2021 Summit Road Society Inc(external link) A programme to protect remnant biodiversity and restore a lowland podocarp forest to the valley. $20,000
Protection of the Manaia Wetland(external link) 2020 Little River Campground Limited  To protect an area of native forest and wetland in the Okuti Valley $2,625
Restoration project 2020 Diamond Harbour Community Association on behalf of Friends of Morgan’s and Sam’s Gullies (external link) Restoring native plants along walkways and gullies on Council land at Diamond Harbour $3,000
Native Plant Propagation 2020 The Living Streams Community Nursery Trust  Funding to support growing the capacity of its community-run nursery in Little River. $1,500
Restoration of the Upper Avoca Valley 2020 Summit Road Society Incorporated (external link)  Planting 87,000 trees and shrubs over 33 hectares of the Upper Avoca Valley on the Port Hills. $20,000
Technologies for predator-free Christchurch 2019 The Cacophony Project(external link) Pilot application of technology-based predator control at Living Springs aiming to create a predator-free area using a thermal camera and artificial intelligence. $50,000
Conservation Week 2019 with Squawk Squad 2019 Squawk Squad(external link) Innovative, digital, environmental education outreach into NZ schools during Conservation Week. Funding will support 110 classrooms and approximately 2,800 school children. $20,000
Squawk Squad education packs 2018 Squawk Squad(external link) To deliver Conservation Week educational packs to 80 Christchurch school classrooms to support environmental education and practical actions. $8,000
Little River Trap Library 2017 Little River Wairewa Community Trust(external link) Widen community conservation efforts and provide information about pest control. The Library provides traps free of charge for three months with mentorship on use. Funding was sought for traps, time and modest marketing. $10,000


Project Year Applicant Description Funding
Christchurch Conversations 2024: An Innovative Sustainable City Extended until January 2025 2023 Christchurch Transitional Architecture Trust(external link) Host free public events that promote innovative thinking about climate-related issues and opportunities for Christchurch. $25,000
Climate Campus community education 2023 Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery School Board of Trustees Provide free community education using the facilities established at the Climate Action Campus. $18,000
Petrie Park Bowling club remediation 2022 Richmond Residents and Business Association We wish to remediate the land that held the old Petrie Park lawn bowling club consulting with the surrounding community along the way to create a biodiverse urban forest, natural play area and food forest.  $5,000
MacFarlane Park Community Garden 2022 Shirley Community Trust MacFarlane Park Community Garden was established in 2017 on Council land. Shirley is a place for all of the community to meet and connect, to foster knowledge and enjoyment of gardening in the community, especially with the young of Shirley. Vegetables/fruit are grown collectively for the benefit of the community of Shirley.  $12,000
Richmond Compost Collective & Urban Trapping 2022 Richmond Community Garden Trust We have decided to open up to our community as a place for them to get involved, learn and hopefully take the learning to recreate the process at home.  $15,000
Phillipstown Community Gardens 2022 Phillipstown Community Centre Charitable Trust "Creating a circular Phillipstown" aims to promote, support and encourage circular transition interventions in Phillipstown in the following focus areas. $20,000
Christchurch Conversations 2023: the Regenerative City 2022 Christchurch Transitional Architecture Trust A free public speaker series and shared content that informs and engages Christchurch residents, communities and businesses to understand key aspects of a regenerative city and inspires and supports them to participate, collectively and individually, in supporting a low-carbon regenerative city.  $30,000
Continuation of Christchurch Conversations: Towards 2030 2021 Christchurch Transitional Architecture Trust A free public speaker series and shared content that informs & engages Christchurch residents, communities and businesses to understand the city's GHG emissions and inspires and supports them to participate, collectively and individually, in reducing the city's and their household and/or business emissions. $30,000
Ōtākaro Living Laboratory(external link) 2021 Kerr and Partners Limited for Ōtākaro Living Laboratory The vision of the Ōtākaro Living Laboratory Trust is to establish a world-leading living laboratory in the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor. $25,000
Recycle A Device 2021 Digital Future Aotearoa(external link) The initiative gets refurbished laptops to people who need them, by developing the tech engineering skills of ākonga who learn how to refurbish devices which are then given away via community groups and schools.  $25,000
Te Awa Kura Barnett Park - Re-greening Barnett Park/Ki Uta ki Tai 2021 Redcliffs Residents' Association(external link)

Ki uta ki tai project is predator control, weeding and planting in Barnett Park.

Transitioning to low Carbon tourism for Banks Peninsula within the Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū / Banks Peninsula Geopark 2021 Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū / Banks Peninsula Geopark Trust(external link)

To provide historical and geological information about Banks Peninsula as part of establishing a local Geopark.

Climate Friendly Lyttelton 2021 Project Lyttelton Incorporated

To establish a Community Carbon Coach who will help households and businesses in Lyttelton reduce their environmental footprint

Community Climate Engagement 2020 Te Pūtahi Christchurch Transitional Architecture Trust (external link)

A series of community education events on climate change in 2020.

Flourish Kia Puāwai 2020 Flourish Kia Puāwai Social Enterprise Limited (external link) Flourish Kia Puāwai aims to engage the community on climate change. $15,000
SALT Street Art Festival 2019 Salt Collective Charitable Trust (external link)

Creating an event situated in the SALT district that is Christchurch-exclusive and leaves a legacy of public art.

Braveheart Christchurch  2019 Braveheart Christchurch Charitable Trust

Filming and online publication of 18 profiles of inspiring Christchurch people or projects to showcase local heroes and brave actions taken to help others. 

Bays & Beyond Learning Exchange  2019 Sumner Bays Union Trust Programme of learning events hosted by community groups to teach a range of environmental and social topics. $20,000
Fit out and activation of GtR mobile workshop  2019 Greening the Rubble Funding sought for fit-out and purchase of tools for a Mobile Workshop for community use.   $8,095
Mobile workshop  2018 Greening the Rubble Mobile tool workshop for community use. Funding sought for construction materials and set-up $22,165
Future Living Skills – Christchurch 2018 Christchurch Community Gardens Association(external link) Funding sought to re-launch and update a community-led education programme to enable community groups throughout Christchurch to run 'Future Living Skills' courses.


Talk Town Game 2018 Talk Town Limited

Talk Town Limited App for deaf and hard of hearing children to develop skills to advocate for themselves, understand their communication needs and interact with others.


In Correspondence - Mapping Christchurch (In Correspondence: Christchurch) 2018 Emma Johnson Layering social and environmental stories over designed maps to be displayed at a series of events that also connect the audience with channels to volunteer in the community.


Sustainability Coordinator          2018  Sustainable Eastern Bays Funding sought for staff time (sustainability coordinator) to deliver a range of community projects (e.g. food forest, predator-free, native planting, waste education, time banking).


Implementation manager role 2018 Christchurch Enviro Hub (external link) Establish and run a new Christchurch Enviro Hub. Funding was sought to support the implementation manager position. $20,000
University of Waikato  2018 Visualising Addington Heritage Funding sought to develop a mobile app in which multimedia Addington heritage information is made available.    $10,000

Energy and emissions reduction

Project Year Applicant Description Funding
Christchurch Home Energy Saver 2021 Ecobulb Limited Our project aims to deliver an initial energy-saving project to 200 Christchurch homes in energy hardship. $49,763
Installation of solar panels 2021 Diamond Harbour Community Association(external link)

To install solar panels on the roof of the Diamond Harbour Community Hall.

Phillipstown Hub Cafeteria - Solar Energy Improvement 2021 Phillipstown Community Centre Charitable Trust(external link)

To install solar energy on a moveable small building at the Phillipstown Community Hub.

Little River Playcentre - Light upgrade 2020 Little River Playcentre(external link) Funding to install energy-efficient lighting at the play centre. $405
The Canterbury Railway Society Solar Energy Programme 2019 The Canterbury Railway Society Incorporated(external link) Funding sought to set up a 3kW Solar array at the Railway Society in Ferrymead $5,243
LiteClub Christchurch 2019 Project Litefoot Trust(external link)(external link) Supporting a further ten local sports clubs to improve their resource efficiency and carbon footprint. $9,303
LiteClub Christchurch 2018 Project Litefoot Trust(external link) Supporting ten local sports clubs to improve their resource efficiency and carbon footprint. $7,640

Food and farming

Project Year Applicant Description Funding
Toha Kai Farms 2023 Roimata Commons Trust(external link) Create an approach for small-scale urban farms to be net energy positive. $15,000
Edible Canterbury Communications Strategy 2023 Food Resilience Network INC(external link) Promote the local urban food movement in Christchurch using the Edible Canterbury Charter and sharing stories of local food resilience. $20,000
Ōtākaro Orchard Urban Farm 2023 Food Resilience Network INC(external link) Create and run a new urban farm in central Christchurch. $13,600
Funding for the Propagating Young Gardeners school program and composting; our main cost is wages. 2023 New Brighton Community Gardens Trust(external link) Educate youth about growing and eating healthy food and composting. $20,000
Phillipstown Circular Community 2023 Phillipstown Community Centre Charitable Trust(external link) Support food growing and soil and nature regeneration around the Phillipstown Community Hub. $20,000
Propagating Young Gardeners Sustainability Hub and Composting 2022 New Brighton Community Gardens Trust(external link) NBCG Compositing and Propagating Young Gardeners Sustainability Hub have run for many years; these programs advance the Council's climate change objectives. We use every means available to us to introduce tamariki to new ideas, including recycling, re-using, food miles, sustainability, and growing and preparing food. $20,000
CNL Community Garden 2021 Cashmere New Life To create a community garden to involve a wide range of community members within the Sydenham/Beckenham area. $4,621
OPEX for Urban Farm  2021 Cultivate Christchurch Limited(external link) Urban Farm to support youth and community engagement.  $23,267
School Garden Catalyst Project 2021 Food Resilience Network The School Garden Catalyst Project aims to support teachers to have thriving edible gardens in Christchurch schools. $30,000
Propagating Young Gardeners Sustainability Hub 2021 New Brighton Community Gardens Trust(external link) The Propagating Young Gardeners Sustainability Hub addresses climate change in a holistic approach from all angles and in an engaging and resource-efficient way. $30,000
Community Supported Agriculture 2021 Te Whare Roimata Trust

To employ a co-ordinator to set up a food box delivery service for the local community.

Bush Farm Food and Fibre Program 2021 Bush Farm Trust

To support the youth education programme at Orton Bradley Park.

Young Propagating Gardens Sustainability Hub 2020 New Brighton Community Gardens(external link) Providing hands-on learning for at least 70 students from seven local schools about food growing and preparing healthy food. $10,000
Waste Not, Want Not 2020 Food Bank Canterbury  Collects surplus food from throughout the city and donates it to food banks. $20,000
Toha Kai 2020 Roimata Commons Trust (external link) A food-sharing service that will reduce food waste and support food security for families in Woolston. $20,000
Food Resilience Network Facilitation 2019 Food Resilience Network(external link) Funds to support a network coordinator to deliver monthly networking forums, community education events, catalyst support for new community-growing projects and a pilot comprehensive delivery model to support healthy, edible schools. $25,000
Garden Festival for Christchurch (GROW Ōtautahi Festival)(external link) 2019 The Christchurch Garden Festival Trust(external link) Hosting a free, three-day public garden festival in the Christchurch Botanical Gardens. Council funding will support educational opportunities and lower the cost for community organisations displaying at the event.  $30,000
Edible Community Garden Empower Church  2019 Community Focus Trust(external link) An edible community garden on the grounds of Empower Church, located in St Albans (140 Springfield Road). $2,280
Community Pantry and Fridge at the Riccarton West Community Garden 2019 Oak Development Trust(external link) Funding to support the completion of a community pantry and fridge in Riccarton West. $5,000
Memorial Edible Gardens of Mt Pleasant 2019 Mt Pleasant Memorial Community Centre and Residents' Association Inc(external link) Creation of a new community garden and gathering space beside the Mt Pleasant Memorial Community Centre. $3,333
Germinate Collective Workbook (external link) 2019 Host organisation - Food Resilience Network Support for the completion and publication of Christchurch-specific practical workbooks for school, community and home gardeners on growing and eating healthy organic food. Funding will support 20 free workbooks for low-decile schools and Council libraries. $9,825
A Green Solution to Hunger 2019 Foodbank Canterbury (Formally City Harvest)  A service that reduces food waste and provides food to vulnerable residents.  $30,000
City Harvest Food Rescue 2018 City Harvest Support was sought for this food rescue service that safely recovers quality surplus food and redistributes it through agencies to in-need individuals, whanau and children.  $30,000
Cultivate Christchurch: Richmond Urban Farm - a transitional project in the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor regeneration area  2018 Cultivate Christchurch(external link)

Funding to support establishing an urban farm in the Ōtākaro Avon River Regeneration Area.

Cultivate Christchurch  2018 Cultivate Christchurch(external link) Urban farm to support youth development. Funding to support wages, fertiliser and irrigation.  $50,000
The Addington Farm  2018 The Addington Farm(external link) Community farm to supply fresh vegetables, employment opportunities, education and community engagement. Funding to support the Spin Farm, small-scale farming in backyards.  $30,000

Homes and buildings

Project Year Applicant Description Funding
Christchurch Home Energy Saver Extension 2023 Ecobulb Limited Providing advice and free energy-efficient lightbulbs to help more than 200 low-income households cut costs and emissions. $14,988
Diamond Harbour & Districts Health Centre Upgrade 2023 Diamond Harbour & Districts Health Support Group Upgrade and improve the energy efficiency of the Diamond Harbour Health Centre. $10,000
Christchurch Curtain Bank 2023 Community Energy Action Charitable Trust Run the Christchurch Curtain Bank that has helped approximately 900 homes each year since 2017 to be warmer and healthier with the use of recycled curtains. $20,000
Energy Champions Training and Volunteer Coordination and Follow-up with Shirley Village Project 2023 Community Energy Action Charitable Trust(external link) Train community energy advisers to support households in the Shirley community. $3,700
Superhome Movement Healthy Home Guide and Super Renovations Guide 2022 Superhome Movement NZ Limited(external link) The Superhome Movement Design Guides. A new Renovation Guide and Version 2 of The Healthy Home Design Guide which was prepared in 2021 with input from over 70 professionals across New Zealand.  $10,000
Solar power installation 2022 Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery School Board of Trustees Solar power installation. $20,000
Christchurch Home Energy Saver Extension 2022 Ecobulb Limited Our project aims to deliver energy assessments for 200 more Christchurch homes in energy hardship. $40,000
Project Manager’s CCS (Climate Change and Sustainability) Toolkit 2021 Project Management Institute New Zealand (PMINZ)(external link) To create and pilot in Christchurch a sustainability toolbox for project managers. $20,000
Healthy Home Guide 2021 Superhome Movement NZ Limited(external link) To prepare and publish a public Healthy Home Guide to be made available online. $6,000
Whakoki establishment 2019 Whakoki Ltd Purchase of wood-cutting equipment to support the manufacture of affordable, high performance and sustainable, pre-fabricated, modular homes. $25,000
Superhome Movement Tours(external link) 2019 Superhome Movement(external link) Three public tours of Christchurch Superhomes, tours in October, March, and July 2020. $6,287
Ōtakaro Orchard 2018 Food Resilience Network(external link) Funding was sought to support building an architect-designed green building at the Ōtakaro Orchard. Funding to support the installation of a green roof, solar array, water catchment and building dashboard. $60,000
2018 Exemplar Homes Tour Homestar assessment costs 2017 Superhome Movement(external link) Public tour of sustainable homes in Christchurch with Homestar rating.  Funds sought to partly cover the NZGBC cost gaining a Homestar Rating for 10 homes to provide the community with more understanding of Homestar and more certainty of housing quality.  $9,400

Innovation and entrepreneurship

Project Year Applicant Description Funding
Mission-led Community Climate Action 2023 Korimako Ltd(external link) Host a two-day course and mentor people on mission-led approaches to climate action. $20,000
S360 Launch 2021 Sustainability 360 Ltd(external link) Sustainability 360 to create a cloud platform to help make businesses more sustainable. $10,000
Climate Action Campus 2020 Ao Tawhiti Discovery School (external link) A new climate school to equip students with practical action-oriented learning on climate change and provide a one-stop-shop for education on sustainability that other schools can tap into.  $40,000
Mutu Sharing App 2020 Mutu Limited(external link) An app that allows people to rent, lend or borrow household items instead of purchasing them, supporting a resource-efficient, circular, sharing economy. $5,000
Christchurch Climate Challenge 2020 Generation Zero(external link) on behalf of Christchurch Youth Climate Challenge An event that aims to empower youth with the skills, tools, mentorship and connections needed to create practical action on climate change $3,500
Sustainable Development Goals Summit Event Series 2020 University of Canterbury(external link) A series of three online events and a face-to-face two-day conference hosted in Christchurch during September 2021 to promote awareness and action on sustainable development in New Zealand. $10,000
The Christchurch Climate Challenge Conference 2019 Climate Challenge NZ Christchurch Conference A June 2019 Christchurch conference led by a national youth-for-youth organisation to empower young people to be leaders and to take action on climate change. $3,250
Future of Learning Conference 2019 2019 Think Beyond Limited(external link) Funds to lower the cost for 30 people to attend a two-day conference on modern learning and technologies. Preparation of an event guide linked to the Sustainable Development Goals.  $9,900
Social Enterprise Challenge / $85K Start-Up Challenge   2019 Entré, University of Canterbury(external link) Funding sought to run competitions and challenges to support the development of innovation and tertiary institutions.  $5,000
Impact Summit and Social Enterprise Climate Emergency Challenge   2019 UC Centre for Entrepreneurship Flagship youth (17 to 25-year-olds) capacity-building events promoting innovation and entrepreneurship to approximately 400 youth with a focus on addressing our climate emergency.  $20,000
Learning City Christchurch 2019 Learning City Christchurch In collaboration with local educational institutions, create a learning opportunity database and a website as a platform to connect those learning opportunities across Christchurch, as well as a workshop series to support Christchurch becoming a learning city.  $25,000
Limitless Programs 2019  2019 Limitless Charitable Trust A conference and series of hui to equip young people with greater self-awareness and confidence in the areas of strengths, values, goal setting, passions and career pathways. $10,000
Electrothermal Weed Management Trial(external link) 2019 Avon-Ōtākaro Incorporated(external link) Following on from the training workshops held in February 2019, funding will support 12 months of field trials targeting different weeds in different locations to test the efficacy of the technology in different scenarios.    $25,010 
Electrothermal Weed Management Workshops  2018 Avon-Ōtākaro Incorporated(external link) To deliver workshops around electrothermal weed management, a technology that could support a reduction in the use of chemical herbicides.   $5,000
Pop Lab 2018 Fab City Aotearoa Trust A design installation and temporary fabrication lab in the Arts Centre over the summer of 2018/2019 that will act as a showroom for locally produced, digitally exportable goods $10,000
Impact Summit 2018 2018 University of Canterbury Christchurch's flagship innovation and impact event is targeted at 17 to 25-year-olds (though all ages are welcome). $10,000
Limitless programs 2018 2018 Limitless Mentoring events to help youth understand their passions, values, skills and strengths and to channel this toward real-world problems, goals and meaningful careers. $10,000
Future of Learning 2018 Think Beyond(external link)(external link) Workshops and events for adults and youth to explore disruptive technology. $10,000
Future City Activator Hackathon 2018 Ministry of Awesome An idea generation and mentoring hackathon plus promoting CHCH as an innovative city. $18,950


Project Year Applicant Description Funding
Workride - Christchurch Launch 2023 Workride Ltd(external link) Support a local startup that aims to encourage the use of electric bikes by making use of a new tax incentive that lowers the cost of bikes for commuting. $40,000
RAD Bikes Expansion 2021-23 (Yr 2 of 2) 2022 RAD Bikes Charitable Trust(external link) RAD Bikes runs community bike workshops in central Ōtautahi/Christchurch, with the core purpose of improving access to cycling, minimising waste and developing community well-being. $26,000
Pedal Power 2022 Roimata Commons Trust Pedal Power is part of a family of projects alongside Toha Kai. These projects are working to create an equitable and ecologically responsible food system. Pedal Power is focused on carbon emission-free delivery of our Toha Kai boxes.  $31,190
Aranui Bike Fix-up 2021 Breezes Road Baptist Church Aranui Bike Fix-up is focused on getting people in Aranui and surrounding areas into cycling and cycle maintenance/repair. $10,000
RAD Bikes Expansion 2021-23 (Yr 1 of 2) 2021 RAD Bikes Charitable Trust(external link) RAD Bikes runs community bike workshops in central Ōtautahi/Christchurch, with the core purpose of improving access to cycling, minimising waste and developing community well-being. $26,000
Community transport in Horomaka/Banks Peninsula 2021 The Little River Wairewa Community Trust(external link) Encouraging a car-sharing network and developing community transport. $8,267
RAD Bikes Expansion 2020 RAD Bikes Charitable Trust(external link) Funding to support the organisation to expand its activities that repair and share bikes with low-income families and teach people how to maintain their own bikes. $16,000
BSB Electric Mobility Network - Carbon Zero Transport Christchurch(external link) 2019 Big Street Bikers Installation of five securely locking cycle/scooter stands able to charge electric bikes and scooters, with an accompanying touch screen able to support wayfinding and positive cycle messages. $50,000
Electric Air(external link) 2019 Electric Airline Limited(external link) Funding sought to contribute to the cost of purchasing and importing New Zealand’s first battery-electric aeroplane to be a local catalyst for this technology and future opportunities. $40,000
Biketober Passport 2019(external link) 2019 Spokes Canterbury(external link) An electronic passport app to support the annual Biketober campaign and to replace a printed and manually stamped passport. $12,000
Little River Traffic Safety Project  2019 Little River Wairewa Community Trust(external link) Creation of four 3D painted traffic calming devices for the Little River village car park where safety is of concern for the community. $11,661
Demystifying Electric Vehicles(external link) 2018 Yoogo Share(external link) Free public events in Lyttelton and Papanui to demystify electric vehicles. $6,000
Realising the Future of Public Transport(external link) 2018 Ohmio Automotion Ltd.(external link) Funding supplied to establish autonomous vehicle technology (the vehicle and navigation systems) in Christchurch, pass through the necessary legal processes to enable deployment in NZ and create opportunities for the Christchurch public to engage with the driverless vehicles. $50,000
Cycling Action Network 2018 NZ Bike Expo  Two-day bike expo for all types of riders. Funding to support community groups and sports clubs to have a presence at the expo at no cost. $10,000
Greater Christchurch Partnership 2018 Greater Christchurch Partnership commuting program Delivery of the Great Christchurch Travel Demand Management programme (encouraging walking, cycling, busing and shared travel) for key organisations in the central city. $20,000


Project Year Applicant Description Funding
I'm a keeper, Sumner 2023 Sumner Community Residents' Association & Hub(external link) Create a Sumner keep cup to reduce the use of takeaway cups and litter in this beachside community. $2,900
PIPS Sustainable Whanau Project 2023 PIPS Pregnancy Infancy Parenting Support Trust Encourage families to use more sustainable alternatives for nappies and baby care. $6,000
Para Kore i roto i Te Waipounamu 2023 Para Kore Marae Incorporated(external link) Para Kore is a Māori not-for-profit organisation, delivering te ao Māori-based, zero-waste education programme called Oranga Taiao. $8,000
Riverlution Precious Plastic 2023 Richmond Community Garden Trust(external link) Recycle plastic items not collected by Council kerbside service into useful products sold or given away to residents at the Richmond Community Garden. $12,600
ResourceFull 2022 Te Puna Auaha Lyttelton Trust Board The funding requested is for machinery specifically to recycle plastic items like lids that cannot be placed in the kerbside wheelie bin collections. In addition, the shipping containers need workbenches and windows for attendees to repair or upcycle broken items that have been brought into the space. $20,000
World Sustainable Toy Day campaign 2022 Sustained Fun Limited

Sustained Fun will coordinate a programme of local events to shine a spotlight on the environmental impacts of the toy industry and celebrate sustainable solutions.

Responsible neighbours of Pūtaringamotu 2022 St Teresa's School The aim is to develop systems for composting and reusing all our non-recyclable organic matter within our grounds and grow vegetables. This will include all the small bits of paper, tissues and food packaging that often get placed in red bin waste.  $4,960
Mount Pleasant Community Resilience 2022 Mt Pleasant Memorial Community Centre and Residents' Association Incorporated Continue to develop the centre to become more sustainable and environmentally sound by implementing a comprehensive waste minimisation system, reducing reliance on petrol and diesel generators and updating our cycle racks.  $5,000
Community Networker 2022 Canterbury Community Gardens Association Incorporated The role of Community garden capacity builder was funded last year and we are seeking to extend this role into supporting community gardens to take on three key climate change initiatives, water reduction, waste reduction and active transport support.  $10,000
Molten Media Trust(external link) 2022 Molten Media Trust(external link) We collect and repurpose or recycle these goods with our original project 'Ethical E-Waste'. The core goal of this project is waste reduction. By repurposing and repairing goods we can extend their useful lifespans reducing the demand for brand new products.  $10,000
Carbon footprint calculation and emission reduction initiatives with church communities 2022 A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand (external link) The Eco Church NZ project actively engages church communities to understand their carbon footprint and to support them in reducing their emissions.  $15,000
Recycle a Device 2022 Digital Future Aotearoa(external link) Digital Future Aotearoa is on a mission to help close the digital divide — we envision a future where every child in Aotearoa New Zealand has access to high-quality digital technologies (DT) education and tools, with opportunities to make a meaningful difference in their community. $25,000
Community Action on Climate change - Carbon Reduction 2022 Project Lyttelton Incorporated Building on the success of the Community Carbon Coach, Project Lyttelton (PL) is transitioning the whole organisation to be the Lyttelton Community Carbon Coach. Utilizing simple communication channels we will walk alongside our community building on everyday actions to reduce our community carbon footprint. $26,500
Ethical E-Waste 2021 Molten Media Trust(external link) Aim to reduce the amount of e-waste going to landfills by accepting e-waste from both the public and other organisations. $18,400
Rubbish Talk 2021 Flourish Kia Puāwai Social Enterprise Ltd(external link) Three complimentary community-led initiatives to reduce waste at the grass-roots level; utilising engagement and education. $29,020
Riverlution Sustainability Hub 2021 Richmond Community Garden Trust(external link) Sustainability Coordinator's wages and the Riverlution Sustainability Hub.  $20,000
Pūharakekenui Sustainability Project 2021 Styx Living Laboratory Trust The Pūharakekenui Sustainability project aims to decrease greenhouse gases by encouraging the use of electric transportation alternatives, increasing efficiency and removing greenhouse gases through forest restoration in the Pūharakekenui (Styx River). $10,000 Operational Costs 2021 Limited(external link) aims to expand reach to most of Christchurch's young tamariki, their whānau and their teachers, delivering our transformational, innovative outreach programme to engage and empower them in positive steps to care for the Earth and our precious taiao. $12,000
Development and Deployment of the Mutu Xchange  2021 Mutu Limited(external link) An app to enable businesses, councils and other asset-based organisations to manage better and share their resources and is planned to be piloted with Sport Canterbury, Canterbury University and Christchurch Holdings Limited.  $20,000
Rocha Zero Waste Churches 2020 A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand (external link) A Zero Waste programme to support churches to reduce waste. $10,000
School Composting Project 2020 Christchurch Boys’ High School  A school composting project that will see students involved in managing waste and growing fruit and vegetables. $900
TOCK Education programme 2020 Tock Earth Limited (external link) Funding to support testing early childhood and primary school education programmes for one year in Christchurch. $10,000
PET Wash Plant Venture 2019 Custom-Pak Plastic Products(external link) Build a PET plastic washing and recycling facility in Christchurch to support a circular economy for packaging. $75,000
Organic Composter 2019 Living Springs Charitable Trust(external link) Purchase of a locally made small-scale enclosed compost machine to manage catering waste at Living Springs and to use as a learning opportunity for their 12,000 annual visitors. $20,000
Zero Waste Expo 2019 Waste Expo Aotearoa Trust A series of expo-style events with attendees having the opportunity to learn how to improve their waste reduction efforts. $1,200
New Brighton Stitch-O-Mat  2019 New Brighton Stitch-O-Mat Charitable Trust A community organisation teaching people how to mend clothes, make items using recycled materials and teach aspects of household sustainability.  $30,000
Household Devices Batteries Collection Trial(external link) 2019 Christchurch City Council Pilot a household battery collection recycling service for Christchurch and gather data to help create a value case for a permanent recycling solution. $72,490
Soft Plastics Recycling Service 2018 Kilmarnock Enterprises Support for the collection and recycling of soft plastics from supermarkets and retail outlets throughout Christchurch. Collection vehicle
Lyttelton Library of Tools & Things 2017 Project Lyttelton Set up a library of tools for community use and a platform for workshops, supporting less waste and resourcefulness. $7,588


Project Year Applicant Description Funding
Sea Cleaners - Christchurch 2023 Sea Cleaners Trust(external link) Encouraging community volunteers to collect litter from in and around Lyttelton Harbour. $10,000
Ocean literacy education for Ōtautahi/Christchurch 2023 Blue Cradle Foundation(external link) Provide public events and school activities to improve understanding and care of the marine environment. $15,000
Ōtākaro Avon River upper reaches and tributaries 2023 Avon Ōtākaro Network INC(external link) Engage communities to take a whole catchment approach to caring for the Ōtākaro Avon River and its tributaries. $15,000
Water recycling 2023 Sydenham Community Preschool Inc Establish a system to collect and beneficially use rainwater in our preschool garden. $1,300
Rainwater tanks for Phillipstown community gardens 2023 Community Energy Action Charitable Trust(external link) Establish a rainwater collection system for the Phillipstown Community Gardens. $4,500
Waste and Consumption Reduction Project including Water Tanks 2022 Te Whare Taonga O Nga Iwi Katoa Linwood Resource Centre Community drop-off collection bins for recycling products that can't go in the yellow bin, recycling more waste within the centre environment and reducing our water consumption in the community gardens. $1,530
Friends of Morgan's and Sam's Gullies - Purau Bay Reserve 2022 Diamond Harbour Community Association Inc Purau Bay Reserve is an area of 3.1 hectares set on a slope between Purau Avenue and Bayview Road. This project is aimed at the medium-term preparation of this reserve.  $2,000
Avon Ōtākaro In River Clean up project 2022 Avon Ōtākaro Network INC The purpose of this 12-month trial is to gather baseline data and collect data on the trash collected in the river and also the positive downstream effects in the coastline and estuary, whilst diverting as much waste as possible from landfill.  $10,000
Te Tuna Tāone 2022 Christchurch Envirohub Trust Improve the aquatic and terrestrial habitat in our waterways for the native longfin tuna. $15,000
Avon Ōtākaro Network 2021 Avon Ōtākaro Network(external link)

Facilitate a World Rivers Day event for the Ōtākaro Avon River network.

Blue Cradle 2021 Blue Cradle Foundation

To support community education about the local coastal environment.

Stormwater Superhero Mobile Resource 2020 Avon-Heathcote Estuary Trust (external link) A mobile water education facility that will help schools and community groups throughout the city learn about waterways. $20,000
Operation River Quest 2020 EOS Ecology(external link) Helping to clean up and teach school students about waterways in Christchurch. $10,000
Urban Eel Project 2019 Working Waters Trust Educate students about eels and their habitat, connect students to community groups, educate group leaders in the use of nets for eel monitoring and undertake eel monitoring throughout Christchurch. $10,000
Nature Agents - Operation River Quest 2019 EOS Ecology(external link) Preparing and hosting a practical learning event for 17 schools on stream care, ecological research and a litter clean-up along local waterways. $10,000
Te Tuna Tāone - Urban Eel 2018 Working Waters Trust Delivery of a school student education programme aiming to improve the habitat for eels. $22,000
Next generation influence - Innovation 2018 Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research(external link) Workshop expenses and artists’ fees to encourage local stewardship of land and water. $3,000
Converting Didymo fibres into marketable products 2018 Biome(external link)(external link) Harvesting invasive Didymo fibres and processing them into useful eco-friendly products. $10,000