Nominate a person, group, organisation, or business who goes above and beyond the call of duty for Ōtautahi Christchurch, its people and its environment.

Who can be nominated

Any person, organisation or business which does significant work, usually of a voluntary nature to benefit the whole of Christchurch.

If you want to nominate someone whose work benefits part of the city, please nominate them for a Community Service Award instead.

A nominee can be any age and does not have to be living in Christchurch.

You do not need permission from the nominee as anyone nominated for an award will have the opportunity to accept or decline the award. They will also be told that you nominated them.

If a person has died within 12 months of the closing date for nominations, they may still be nominated.

If the nominee already has a Civic Award they cannot receive another, even if it is for something different.

Who can make a nomination

Anyone who lives in Christchurch can make a nomination.

If you want to nominate someone you will need two other people to support your nomination and you will all need to sign the form.

If an association, club, society, or business is making a nomination, you’ll need to include the names, job titles and signatures of three executive members. If possible, the nomination should be endorsed by the organisation at a formal meeting and recorded in the minutes.

A person can’t nominate himself/herself, or have someone else nominate him/her. Similarly, an organisation can’t nominate itself or an office-bearer of that organisation.

How to nominate someone

  1. Download the Christchurch Civic Awards nomination guide and form.
  2. Complete pages 3 and 4. You can choose to complete pages 3 and 4 online before you print it.
  3. You and two others need to complete and sign page 5 by hand.
  4. Return your completed nomination form by scanning and emailing it, posting it or dropping it at reception of  Civic Offices.

Please ensure you return your completed form before the closing date.

Full contact details will be needed for you and the other nominators and for the nominee. You will also be asked for other information that will help the selection committee make a decision.

Judging and criteria

A committee of Christchurch City Council elected members considers the nominations and presents a shortlist for the full Council to approve. We will let you know if your nominee is successful and has agreed to accept an award.

If your nomination is not successful, you're welcome to nominate them again the following year, if you have new information to include.


The judging criteria set out guidelines for the committee that allow for clarity and accountability:

  • The judging panel cannot act as a nominator.
  • The Council, as a body, may not submit nominations, although nominations may be submitted by councillors and community board members.
  • Nominations may be used for individuals and organisations whose work, usually voluntary, has made an impact on the city of Christchurch.
  • No award recipient will be eligible to receive both a Civic Award and a Community Services Award in the same year.

Each nomination will be judged on its merit against the following criteria:

  • Work of a substantial nature is defined as short-term or long-term projects or activities that have benefited the city in such a way as to have added to the quality of life of the residents.
  • Each nomination is considered in the way it benefits the metropolitan area of Christchurch. Metropolitan means the area encompassing the east coast, the boundaries of Selwyn District Council, Waimakariri District Council and Banks Peninsula.

Awards presention

Civic Awards are presented by the Mayor on behalf of the Council at a ceremony in the Town Hall towards the end of the year.