The Central City offers prime opportunities for residential development, due to relaxed density limits, and available land. However, diverse activities contribute to higher noise levels in the Central City.

As the area attracts more residents, it is essential to prioritise homes that meet their needs. The Central City’s vibrancy is to be celebrated, but homes must offer a quiet retreat for residents to unwind and get quality sleep, away from the hustle and bustle. Effective soundproofing of your development offers great returns and will be worth the investment you put in. 

Wellbeing of residents

As a developer or landlord, you significantly influence the quality of life of Central City residents.

Robust acoustic design is crucial for ensuring residents can quietly enjoy their home – which is key for health and wellbeing.

The WHO guidelines for community noise(external link) recommend less than 30 decibels in bedrooms during the night for good quality sleep.  Prospective buyers or tenants seek assurance that properties will cater to these needs.

And if you’re renovating or building your own home, prioritize soundproofing for your own comfort and wellbeing.

Raised property values

In our growing Central City, a soundproofed home – that allows people to still live a healthy life in the middle of all the action – will stand out among those that aren’t.

Discerning residents will place more value on a more liveable, soundproofed home – improving its market value.

Tenant satisfaction and longevity

A soundproofed, liveable home that allows tenants quiet enjoyment day and night will have more satisfied tenants.

They will be more likely to stay longer, take better care of the dwelling, and have a more favourable relationship and view of the property manager and developer.

If this is your own home, soundproofing will improve your own living experience.

Developer/landlord reputation

Related to tenant satisfaction, your reputation as a developer and/or landlord will benefit.

As you become known for offering higher-quality homes with robust soundproofing, your offerings will be in higher demand among those who value a liveable Central City home.

Watch this space

Stay tuned for our upcoming noise guide to learn more about the different types of noise, how you can respond to it, acoustic design and soundproofing.