Landscaping is often a key component of a development proposal. There are specific information requirements for landscape plans submitted to the Council.

A well-designed urban landscape contributes to both onsite and wider neighbourhood amenity and quality, and creates more pleasant, sustainable urban environments. This is all while potentially increasing the value of the development and contributing to neighbourhood amenity, particularly through larger scale planting such as trees.  A well-considered landscape proposal can also offset (or mitigate) District Plan non-compliances of the development.  

The Council recommends that, particularly for multi-unit or more complex development proposals, a qualified landscape professional is engaged to prepare the landscape plan to ensure that it is practical, achievable and the planting will thrive.

Information requirements for resource consents

The following matters should be included in the landscape plan provided to Council for the purpose of obtaining resource consent:

  • North point.
  • Recognised plan scale i.e. 1:100. 1: 250, 1: 500 and include a drawn scale. The landscape plan should be at a maximum of 1:500.
  • Dimensions – for example width of landscape strips (excluding kerbs).
  • Ground floor building(s) outline – including internal layout, location of windows and doors and if a multi-unit development, the division between units.
  • Ground surface materials such as paving, including type, location and parking areas.
  • Location and width of kerbs.
  • Fencing type (materials), height, location and a drawn elevation, any gates or access to the site. This should illustrate levels of visual permeability where required.
  • Plant/tree schedule, including species, quantity and height or grade at time of planting and at maturity.
  • The location, species and height of existing planting to be retained.
  • The location of new planting, and the area available for planting (including the total landscape area as a site coverage percentage, where zoning requires this).
  • Identification of any protected trees or other landscape features.
  • Location of underground services.
  • Ground contours where appropriate.

In addition, where applicable to the type of development:

  • Practical and accessible location of bins, service areas, garages, sheds, washing lines and the location of external features such as heat pumps and satellite dishes.


Where a landscape strip is required, the width excludes the provision of kerbs or edging, i.e. a 600 millimetre planting strip must have a minimum width of soil available of 600 millimetres.