What |
We’ll be working on the road to investigate the location of underground services. This will involve cutting temporary holes in the road, which we will repair before progressing onto the next section of the road. |
Why |
Investigation work is required to understand the underground service location and condition, as well as any potential clashes or risks to construction. This work will help us plan the most efficient construction approach for the road and footpath renewal later in the year. |
Where |
Slater Street (between Shirley Road and Warden Street), Richmond. |
When |
10 March 2025 to 21 March 2025. Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm (weather/site condition dependent). |
Contact |
The contractor is Isaac Construction Ltd. Phone Stu Lyons 027 642 2826, Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm or email slyons@isaac.co.nz. Please advise Stu if you have any specific property access requirements. |
We expect to begin the construction phase of the road and footpath renewal once the road design is complete, which is expected around September 2025. We’ll deliver another notice prior to that work starting.
Traffic impacts
Depending on the position of the pothole, we’ll either close the road shoulder or set up a two-way stop/go system.
The traffic management can only permit traffic from one direction to travel down the impacted section of Slater Street at any given time. This may create delays for those wishing to access their property or commute through the area.
Traffic management will gradually move along Slater Street from north (Shirley Road end) to south (Warden Street end) as we reinstate each investigation point.
The speed limit will be reduced to 30km/h through the site to keep our contractors and everyone safe.
Please adhere to all signage and be aware of cyclists merging.
Access for residents and businesses
Please be aware your property access may be temporarily impacted at times, but our crew will make access available as soon as possible.
Please advise us if you have specific property access requirements e.g. medical visits, home help, large vehicle deliveries or planned works.
Generally, if you make yourself known to the contractor, and advise when you may be entering and exiting your property, they will be able to work with you to return access. In some cases, you may experience a minor disruption to your property access for 5–10 minutes. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
General information
There will be no on-street parking available for the duration of our work.
Several of the footpaths will be closed while our crew is working. There will be traffic controllers on hand to escort pedestrians across the road.
The nature of the work that we are doing will generate noise, dust, and vibrations.
The work will not impact on any services, such as water, electricity, telecommunications and gas.
Please put your bins out as usual by 6am on your collection day. Our team will move them and return them, if needed.