Langdons Road water main relocation – night works


We will be working on the westbound lane of Langdons Road to relocate an underground watermain pipe.


The watermain pipe is currently running through the inside of the stormwater pipe, which is a high risk to the water network in the case of an extreme weather event. We need to remove it from the stormwater pipe and reinstall it underneath the stormwater pipe.


Langdons Road, east of the railway crossing, Papanui.


16 February 2025 to 21 February 2025. Sunday to Friday, 7pm to 6am (weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is Citycare Water. Call 0508 248 922, Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm.


These works are planned to be completed across three – five nights, from 7pm on Sunday 16 February to 6am on the morning of Friday 21 February.


Completing the work at night helps to minimise the disruption to road users and makes it safer for the contractors carrying out the work as there is less traffic at night. 

Work scope

The work will include:

  • Deep excavation with trench shields
  • Pipe removal
  • Pipe laying
  • Backfilling
  • Restoration works

Work area: We will be working on the westbound lane of Langdons Road (work area marked on the map).

Traffic impacts

Night (7pm to 6am):

  • One-way westbound: Langdons Road will be reduced to one lane for a short section beside the work area – westbound traffic will be diverted onto the available road space. Access through this section will be for traffic traveling west only.
  • Eastbound detour: Vehicles traveling east on Langdons Road will take a short detour down Chapel Street.
  • Please allow more travel time if you are traveling on Langdons Road between 7pm and 6am or take a different route if you are able to.

Day (6am to 7pm):

No impact during the day.

  • Steel plates will be placed over the trench during the day.
  • Traffic controls will be reduced to allow two-way traffic to flow as normal

Other details

  • Water supply will be maintained to residents and businesses until the livening of the new main is ready to occur. A separate water shut-off notice will be delivered to affected properties 24-hours before the shut-off occurs; this notice will detail the day, time and duration of the shut-off.
  • The work will have no impact on services such as electricity, telecommunication and gas.
  • There will be increased construction noise and vibration at times, but we will do our best to keep this to a minimum and to complete noisier works before 10pm.

Where we are working 

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