Rosewarne Street – new parking markings


New line marking on both sides of Rosewarne Street to show parking boundaries.


To clearly define where cars can park and to keep driveways clear.


Rosewarne Street, Spreydon.


Monday, 2 December 2024 for approximately two days, 7am to 5.30pm (weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is Fulton Hogan. Phone 0800 762 334, Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm or email


The Beckenham, Somerfield, Spreydon, Waltham areas were identified as a priority for the government’s Christchurch Regeneration Acceleration Facility (CRAF) funding package.

Some of this funding has been provided for a package of work that includes a project to install line marking to delineate parking on Rosewarne Street. This is in response to feedback and concerns raised by residents regarding parked cars blocking access to private property and non-compliant parking practices.

Traffic Impacts

  • Two way traffic will be maintained, with shoulder closures installed when required. We will need to restrict some on-street parking, so we will place no parking cones out before we start work. We will aim to minimise this as much as possible.
  • Our friendly staff on site can also assist with any queries. Footpath access around our work site will be maintained. A 30kph speed limit will be in place so we can keep our workers and everyone safe. Please keep an eye out for changes in traffic management.

Driveway Access

  • Access to properties and businesses will be maintained. However, we may need to work in front of driveways from time to time. We’ll try to give you plenty notice of this. If you need to get into or out of your property or business and we’re in the way, please just talk to one of our friendly staff and we’ll make sure you can use your driveway.





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