Roto Kohatu Reserve - new entrance development


Development of a new entrance into the Roto Kohatu Reserve from Lakeside Place.


We are developing a new public entrance into the reserve from Lakeside Place. This entrance has been designed to improve safety, quality and durability of the access for both vehicles and pedestrians. The development here will create a shorter public entry point into the reserve, by eliminating the current access route for vehicles into the reserve via the existing gravel driveway off Sawyers Arms Road.


Roto Kohatu, Lakeside Place, Harewood.


2 September 2024 to late November 2024. Monday to Saturday, 7am to 6pm (weather/site dependent).


The contractor is City Care Ltd. Phone 0508 2489 2273, Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm. Please advise if you have specific access requirements which could be affected during this process.


  • The existing driveway entrance from Sawyers Arms Road will remain open and the main entrance into the reserve until the new development has been completed.
  • Access to all lakes and carparks will remain open throughout the duration of the works.
  • Some lake side areas around Lake Rua will be closed to the public during the redevelopment works.
  • Temporary site fencing and signs will be in place to help direct the public around the site and help maintain access to other areas of the park.  There may be some minor disruptions at times.
  • Spotters will be on site to safely assist pedestrians and motorists around the construction zone during this time.
  • There will be heavy machinery operating at this time with construction plant and vehicle movements taking place during the day.
  • There may be increased noise and dust during these works.
  • There will be NO pedestrian access to Lake Rua from Lakeside Place during the works.

Takiuru ki ā mātou ratonga
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