Ridder Reserve - play space renewal


We are renewing the play space in Ridder Reserve.


The existing play equipment in Ridder Reserve has reached the end of its useful life and is being replaced with a new modern, fit for purpose play space that meets the current NZ Playground Standards.


Ridder Reserve, 24 Ridder Place, Halswell.


Works start here mid-August 2024 to early November 2024. Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm (weather/site condition dependent).


The Contractor is City Care Ltd. Phone 0508 248 922, Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm.


We are renewing the play equipment in Ridder Reserve with:

  • A new swing set with 2 standard strap seats and 1 toddler seat.
  • A new target net wall
  • Improved street connections and access into the park with three 2m wide asphalt paths.
  • A new pump path feature connected to central pathway
  • Additional amenities will include a new picnic table and seats.
  • The existing rubbish bins will remain in their current location.


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