Intersection of Greers Road and Langdons Road - ongoing traffic impacts


We will be installing traffic signals at the intersection of Greers Road and Langdons Road and completing other related road works.


To make it safer and easier to use the intersection, which has faced increased traffic flow due to the expansion of businesses in the area. The installation of the traffic lights will reduce delays for turning traffic, improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists and help to reduce rat-running on adjacent local roads.


The intersection of Greers Road and Langdons Road, Papanui.


6 August 2024 to end of November 2024. Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm (weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is Isaac Construction Ltd. Phone Hayley Ching 027 323 0056, Monday to Friday, day or night, or email Please advise our team if you have specific requirements e.g. medical visits, large deliveries, home help or any planned works.


  • The scope of works at the Greers/Langdons intersection includes (in order of completion): Underground utility works, replacement of kerb and channel, installation of traffic signals, footpath widening, new road surfacing and lane markings.
  • There will also be works at Reynolds Avenue to make that street left in, left out only.
  • The bulk of this work will happen during the day.  However, there may be times when the contractor will carry out specific tasks at night when the roads are quieter and less congested.  The contractor will give 48 hours' notice to affected properties before any night works start.

Other work in the area

  • As part of the Northern Line Major Cycleway, KiwiRail and Council are completing some rail upgrades over the next few months.  The two project teams are working together to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum and we will be keeping a close eye on the traffic management when these projects are working at the same time.

Traffic impacts

  • There will be a number of traffic management layouts implemented while the work is completed, including shoulder and lane closures, one-way systems and the temporary removal of on-street parking.
  • The first two layouts are covered in this notice.  We will update you about any changes as the project progresses.

6 August 2024 to 12 August 2024 - minor works and shoulder closures

  • From Tuesday, 6 August 2024, we will be undertaking some minor works that require more space around the intersection (installing underground chambers for the traffic signals and some ducting works).
  • For this week, shoulder closures and footpath detours will be in place, as well as 30km/h speed limit.  Please look out for signage.
  • Langdons Road will remain two-way during these works.

Temporary one-way

  • From Monday, 12 August 2024, for the majority of the project, Langdons Road will be one-way for traffic entering from Greers Road for a short section up to Oakland Street.
  • Reynolds Avenue will also be closed at its intersection with Greers Road.  This is needed to allow space for our team to work safely.
  • Sign posted detours will be in place. Please follow the signage and keep an eye out for changes in traffic management.
  • Traffic along Greers Road will stay as two lanes in both directions, however, on-road cycle lanes will be removed, and cyclists will need to merge with traffic.
  • While these works take place, all on-street parking will be temporarily removed to allow for safe working space.
  • A 30km/h speed limit will be in place so we can keep our workers and everyone safe.

Information for residents and businesses

  • Access to properties and businesses for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained around the work site.
  • There will be increased construction noise and vibration at times, and we will do our best to keep this to a minimum.
  • The timing of the work and certain activities will depend on the weather and the roads.  We will provide updates if there are changes to the planned works.

Driveway access

  • Driveway access to properties will be maintained.  However, we may need to work in front of driveways from time to time.  We will try and give you plenty of notice for this.  However, if you need to get in and out of your property and we are in your way, please just talk to one of the Isaac staff members and they will make sure you can use your driveway.

We know this work can be disruptive, and we appreciate your co-operation and understanding.


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