Shirley Road, Marshland Road, New Brighton Road and North Parade Intersection - safety improvements - night works


We will be working on the road to complete a range of intersection safety improvements, over a six-week period of night works. This work includes installing safe speed platforms and removing the northwest slip lane.


The safe speed platforms will encourage drivers to travel at a safer speed, providing people more time to react and avoid a crash. At lower speeds, there is also a better chance of people surviving a crash. This helps protect all road users, including people walking to school, preschool or local shops.


Intersection of Shirley Road, Marshland Road, New Brighton Road and North Parade, Shirley.


9 June 2024 to 22 July 2024. Sunday to Thursday, 6pm to 6am (weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is Isaac Construction Ltd. Phone Elizabeth Mullan 027 406 2465, Monday to Friday, 7am - 7pm or email Please advise Elizabeth if you have any specific property access requirements.


This work is to install safe speed platforms on all approaches to the intersection and extend the traffic island on New Brighton Road, preventing right turns into The Palms entry, east of the intersection.  We will also be removing the slip lane from Shirley Road on to New Brighton Road, improving pedestrian crossing points with tactile pavers, and making minor road marking changes.

To reduce the possibility of future disruption, we will upgrade the traffic light signal hardware while we are working on the road, to allow for additional changes to signal phasing if required.

To complete this work overnight, we will be installing a temporary stop/go system at the intersection.  Please see below for more information about traffic impacts.  We know this work can be disruptive, and we appreciate your co-operation and understanding.

Traffic impacts

Traffic travelling through the intersection between 6pm and 6am will be reduced to one lane and managed by a temporary stop/go system.  Please allow extra time to avoid delays.

For the majority of the project, this stop/go traffic management will be two-way, allowing traffic to approach only from the north and east (Marshland Road and New Brighton Road) - although this traffic can then travel through the intersection in any direction*.  When this is in place:

  • North Parade will be closed to north-bound traffic from where the road intersects Banks Avenue and up to the intersection with Shirley and New Brighton roads.
  • Shirley Road will be closed to east-bound traffic where the road intersects Hope Street and up to the intersection with Marshland Road and North Parade.
  • Sign-posted detour routes will be in place.  Please see the map for an overview.

Towards the end of the project, we will be able to open these roads and create a four-way stop/go system.

* At times, there may be no-entry to North Parade from the intersection (Note: this is not shown on the map). We will be in touch with the residents that live between North Parade and Banks Avenue, as they will have restricted vehicle access to their property while the no-entry is in place.

  • The speed limit will be reduced to 30 km/h through the site to keep our contractors safe.
  • Please adhere to all signage and be aware of cyclists merging.
  • The slip lane will be closed for the duration of the project however, commuters will still be able to turn left on to Marshland Road from Shirley Road at the traffic lights.
  • While the slip lane is closed, we recommend that truck trailers and other heavy haulage travel via Hills Road to access Marshland Road.
  • There will be no on-street parking available for the duration of work at night.
  • While the work is to be undertaken at night, traffic management will still be visible to users through the day.

Information for residents and businesses

  • The nature of the work that we are doing will generate noise, dust and vibrations.
  • Several of the footpaths and the pedestrian crossing will be closed while our crew is working.  There will be traffic controllers on hand to escort pedestrians across the road.
  • Access to residences and businesses may be briefly impacted at times, but our crew will make access available as soon as possible.
  • Please advise us if you have specific property access requirements e.g. medical visits, home help, large vehicle deliveries, planned works.
  • The work will not impact on any services, such as water, electricity, telecommunications and gas.
  • Please put your bins out as usual by 6am on your collection day.  Our team will move them and return them, if needed.


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