Waimairi and Fendalton Streams - enhancements


We are undertaking waterway enhancements along this section of Waimairi and Fendalton Streams.


To renew and repair damaged sections of the stream lining, using natural features to help protect these areas from further bank erosion. The works also aim to improve the water quality in the area and enhance fish habitat within this section of the waterway.


Waimairi and Fendalton Streams, from 11 Rochdale Street to 108 Harakeke Street, Fendalton.


27 March 2024 to late November 2024. Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm (weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is City Care Ltd. Phone 0508 248 922, Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm.


  • Public pathways will remain open during this construction period.
  • At times there may be alternative pathways created to help maintain safe passage around the construction site and access ways.
  • Temporary site fencing and signs will be in place to help isolate the work sites, helping to maintain safe work zones for the public and property owners.
  • Spotters will also be on site to safely assist pedestrians past construction access ways and while working in public areas.
  • There will be heavy machinery operating at this time with construction plant and vehicle movements taking place during the day.
  • There may be increased noise and dust during these works.
  • Access to the playground in Daresbury Park will remain open during this construction period.


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