Ilam Road - Nor'west Arc cycleway


We’re building a cycleway in your area.


Our network of cycleways are making it safer and easier for people to cycle. More people cycling eases the pressure on our roads.


Ilam Road, between the University of Canterbury and Aorangi Road.


Early September 2023 to June 2024. (weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is Fulton Hogan. Phone 0800 ROAD FH, Monday to Friday, 7.30am to 5pm or email Contact us after hours if the matter is urgent.

What are we doing?

We are building a cycleway on Ilam Road between the University of Canterbury and Aorangi Road. We are also completing stormwater upgrades, new kerb and channels, footpaths, raised thresholds and landscaping as well as isolated areas of asphalt resurfacing carried out on Ilam Road.
Also included in the scope of works are traffic signal upgrades at the Memorial Ave/Ilam Road intersection and the Maidstone Road/Ilam Road intersection, as well as the construction of a new signalised crossing on Ilam Road, outside Jellie Park.

Work Area










Zone 1: Jellie Park - Memorial Ave

Timing - start of September to end of December 2023
Scope of work - new stormwater, new cycleway installed on both sides of the road, a new signalised
pedestrian crossing outside Jellie Park, minor footpath works, landscaping and streetscaping.
Expected traffic management - a one-way traffic management system heading northeast along Ilam Road
with some on-street parking removed. School drop off and pick up parking will be maintained.

Zone 2: Memorial Ave - Maidstone Road

Timing - start of September to end of March 2024
Scope of work - new stormwater, traffic signal upgrade at the Memorial Ave/Ilam Road intersection, new
cycleway installed on both sides of the road, new raised thresholds on side streets, minor footpath works,
landscaping and streetscaping.
Expected traffic management - a one-way traffic management system heading north along Ilam Road and
temporary decommissioning of the traffic lights. Intermittent road closures on side streets and on-street parking

Zone 3: Maidstone Road - University of Canterbury

Timing - end of November to mid June 2024
Scope of work - new stormwater, traffic signal upgrade at the Maidstone Road/Ilam Road intersection, new
cycleway installed on both sides of the road, minor footpath works, landscaping and streetscaping.
Expected traffic management - a one-way traffic management system heading north along Ilam Road,
temporary decommissioning of the traffic lights and on-street parking removed.

What will it look like?


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