Whiti-reia Cathedral Square - upgrade work and safety improvement


We are replacing pavers and installing new underground services, lighting and street furniture in Whiti-reia Cathedral Square.


We're improving Whiti-reia Cathedral Square to make it safer and more pleasant for people and to support businesses in the area.


In front of the Old Government Building, the Distinction Hotel and Spark building.


14 July to mid-November 2023. Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5pm (weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is Isaac Construction Ltd. Phone Elizabeth Mullan 027 406 2465 or email communications@isaac.co.nz, Monday to Friday, 7am to 7pm. Please contact Elizabeth Mullan if you have any access needs during the time that we are working in your area.


  • Work will be staged so that partial access will be maintained to the Old Government Building, the Distinction and the Spark Building. At stages, in addition to repaving the area we will also be trenching to install new services e.g. Watermains.
  • Work may cause vibrations, loud noise and dust. Please follow the advice of our contractor and adhere to any signage. Water supply will be maintained to the surrounding businesses and a separate notice will be delivered prior to any temporary water shut off when connecting the new watermain.
  • There will be minimal impact to traffic on the roads around the Square, however, vehicle access to the courtyard in front of the Old Government Building, The Distinction Hotel and The Spark Building may be restricted at times. 



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