Banks & Kissel Streets - mains water supply renewals


The renewal of Water Supply mains on Banks and Kissel Street in Templeton.


To replace and upgrade existing water mains, submains and lateral connections which has reached its end of lifecycle.


Between Kirk Road to Bicknor Street on Banks Street. From Banks Street to house number 21 on Kissel Street, Templeton.


03 April 2023 to 30 June 2023. Monday to Friday, 7am to 5pm (weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is Trenching Dynamix. Phone Murray Smith 0272230636, Monday to Friday, 7am to 5pm.


  • Traffic management will be installed to keep both road users and workers safe.
  • Residents will be notified about planned night works and water shut down if necessary.
  • Access to properties will be maintained using steel plates where required.
  • Please advise us if you have specific access requirements: e.g. medical visits, home helps, large vehicle deliveries and any planned works.
  • On road parking will be limited during the works.
  • During construction works, both the watersupply mains and lateral connections to the property boundary will be accessed including work across berms and footpaths.

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