Cashmere Valley - dam


We are constructing an earth dam, bypass structure, pathways and landscape planting to increase flood storage capacity in the valley.


The dam will provide additional storage capacity to help alleviate flooding along the Ōpāwaho River.


The dam will be constructed in Cashmere Valley between the roundabout on McVicar Drive and Shalamar Drive. Construction traffic will primarily utilise the old Christchurch Adventure Park access off Worsleys Road.


3 October 2022 to late September 2023. Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is GSL. Phone Dean Ewen on 027 403 0499, Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm or email


  • This work is the final part of the Cashmere Worsleys Flood Storage Project which will reduce flood risk on the Ōpāwaho/Heathcote River.
  • This stage of the Works will include construction of an earth dam across Cashmere Valley from the roundabout at McVicar Drive to Shalamar Drive, a dam bypass structure and flood gate, installation of culverts and pathways to improve access to the lower valley, and landscape planting of wetland grasses, shrubs and trees to improve the ecological values of the area.
  • Some of the formal and informal access points to the valley will be temporarily closed during construction including the old Christchurch Adventure Park access. We appreciate your co-operation, apologise for any inconvenience and will do our best to keep any disruption to a minimum. 

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