If you're planning to carry out any work or activity that affects the normal operation of the road, footpath, or berm, you must submit a CAR application before you start. This ensures that all work is done safely and complies with relevant regulations. In addition, a CAR is required for the following reasons:
- To secure a Work Access Permit (WAP) which is a formal confirmation of acceptance to work in the legal road/corridor. Conditions of this access is attached to the WAP.
- To coordinate your works with other parties as required.
- To confirm that all required documentation is obtained before work commences e.g. approved design, resource or building consent.
- To ensure that existing assets and amenities are considered, e.g. surfacing, structures, underground utilities, road landscape and trees.
- To ensure that road assets are reinstated as per required standards and maintained during the warranty period (defects liability).