Everyone should be able to safely walk, scooter, bus, cycle or drive where they want to go. That's why we're making several Ōtautahi Christchurch areas safer for travellers – way safer.

Transport Choices Programme update

On 20 December 2023, Minister of Transport Simeon Brown advised us that Transport Choices funding would not continue for projects that didn’t already have a signed funding agreement in place.

The effects of this on our projects were discussed at a Finance and Performance Committee meeting on 28 February 2024(external link).

The committee resolved to pause the following projects and assess them for inclusion in a future long-term plan or annual plan:

  • Westmorland Cycle Connections
  • Te Aratai Cycle Connections
  • Little River Link Cycle Connections – Simeon and Aidanfield
  • Improving Bromley Roads

It also resolved that the following projects go back to the relevant community boards to be prioritised under the Christchurch Regeneration Acceleration Facility (CRAF) programme:

  • Richmond Greenway
  • Linwood Roading Improvement

The committee noted that work would continue for projects with a signed funding agreement, or that could be accommodated within existing programmes, including:

  • School Safety Linwood
  • Little River Cycle Connections – Ngā Puna Wai
  • Linwood Bus Stops

Please note, work to create a safer and more inviting streetscape in Linwood Village is under way.

Our plans to make streets way safer for everyone

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We’re making our neighbourhoods way better and way safer for everyone. Making it safer for people to walk, bike or bus helps reduce congestion, lowers emissions and makes it easier for everyone to get around. 

We’ve applied to receive Government funding for a city-wide package of transport improvements. 

These improvements include fixing roads and footpaths, making pedestrian and intersection safety upgrades, lowering speeds around schools and surrounding neighbourhoods, creating better cycle connections and improving bus stops. 

Most projects will be delivered in Linwood and Bromley, as these areas currently lack travel choices.

We worked hard to get draft plans ready for community input, and while consultation on these projects has closed, you can still use our interactive map to learn more about the projects(external link)(external link).

The Council approved these projects on Friday 22 September 2023, except for our Interim Speed Management Plan (Safe Speed Neighbourhoods(external link)) which was approved by the Council on Wednesday 5 July 2023.

We are currently waiting to hear how Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency will allocate the Transport Choices programme funding. This will influence when we are able to deliver these projects.

Way safer streets in Linwood

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We're planning a large amount of safety improvements throughout Linwood to help people get where they need to go safely, and to make it easier for people to walk, cycle or scooter around their neighbourhoods.

Everyone should be able to walk, scooter, drive, cycle or bus where they want to go. That's why we're making several areas in Linwood safer for travellers.

Safer and easier to get to and from school 

We're making it safer and easier for tamariki to get to and from school.

Linwood Avenue School drop-off:

  • We're redesigning the lane outside Linwood Avenue School to make it safer and easier for school drop-off and pick-up. Take a look at the proposed plan(external link).

We're currently making pedestrian improvements at several locations in Linwood:

  • Worcester Street / Wyon Street intersection
  • Worcester Street / Surrey Street intersection
  • Worcester Street / McLeans Street intersection
  • Worcester Street / Woodham Road intersection
  • Woodham Road / Tancred Street intersection
  • Brittan Street / Linwood Avenue intersection
  • Tancred Street / Linwood Avenue intersection
  • Trent Street / Armagh Street intersection
  • Buckleys Road / Maclean Street
  • Brittan Street south of Woodham Road
  • Worcester Street west of Linwood Avenue

We're installing pedestrian refuge islands, enhancing existing pedestrian crossings, and adding traffic calming measures such as speed humps and narrowing the road at intersections.

Rhona Street safety improvements:

  • We're making it safer for tamariki to get to and from Te Pā o Rākaihautū by widening the footpath on the south side of Rhona Street and adding a turnaround for cars. Take a look at the proposed plan(external link).

Safer cycling

We're making it safer to cycle around Linwood, especially for students to get to and from school. Safety improvements include:

Smith Street safer cycling:

  • A cycle-friendly environment along Smith Street so people can safely cycle to the Te Pou Toetoe: Linwood Pool and Te Waka Unua School on Ferry Road. Take a look at the proposed plan.(external link)

Te Aratai College cycle connection:

  • A dedicated cycleway on both sides of Aldwins/Ensors Road next to the footpath, and separated from traffic. This new cycleway will make it safer for students to bike to Te Aratai College. This includes a shared path between Ara Institute of Canterbury (Woolston) and Mackenzie Avenue on the east side of Ensors Road.
  • To make space for the cycleway, parking will need to be removed on both sides of the road.
  • Take a look at the proposed plan.(external link)

Safer intersections and crossings

We know that 55% of serious crashes happen at intersections. Slowing traffic down using features such as safe speed platforms reduces both the number and severity of crashes. It also means drivers can stop in time if they need to.

We’re proposing to upgrade the two busy intersections of Aldwins/Ensors/Ferry and Aldwins/Buckleys/Linwood. The safety improvements we're proposing include the installation of safe-speed platforms. These slow people down as they enter an intersection so if a person makes a mistake the likelihood or severity of a crash is reduced.

Take a look at the proposed plans for the intersections of Aldwins, Ensors and Ferry roads (external link)and Aldwins Road, Buckleys Road, and Linwood Ave(external link).

Bus stop and shelter improvements

We're making it way easier to take the bus in Linwood by upgrading several stops with new shelters and relocating and installing new bus stops.

We're also investigating options to install and upgrade bus stops in Linwood and Woolston. More than 150 locations have been identified for review.

We'll be speaking directly with residents and businesses surrounding existing or proposed bus stop locations. You will be contacted if this applies to you. 


Consultation with the community on safe cycle connections, and safe speed platforms took place from 16 June to 16 July 2023.  The Council approved these projects in September 2023. We are now waiting to receive Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency funding to deliver these projects.

Other safety improvements are coming for Linwood

We're also planning a renewal of Wyon and Hulbert streets. There will be upgrades to Linwood Village streetscape including raised crossings, a platform at the intersection of Hereford Street and Stanmore Road, paved crossings, new bus shelters, wider footpaths, dedicated cycle lanes and plantings. 

We're making it safer around schools and neighbourhoods by lowering the speed. These changes were consulted on in 2022 and the Council approved them on 5 July 2023(external link).  Find out more about our Safe Speed Neighbourhoods Programme(external link).

Keeping communities updated

We'll be providing more details on projects as they progress and asking for feedback where we need community input. Keep an eye on your letterbox and our website for more information.

Stay up to date about way safer streets for Linwood

Way safer streets in Bromley

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We've heard from local residents that they have concerns about safety, speed, accessibility and heavy vehicles at several intersections in Bromley. 

Intersection safety improvements

We know that 55% of crashes in Christchurch happen at intersections. Slowing down traffic through intersections reduces both the number and severity of crashes. It also means drivers can watch out for others and stop quickly.

We're making safety improvements at intersections in Bromley to make it safer for everyone, especially for students to get to and from school.

The funding would enable us to make a start on safety improvements in Bromley. We‘ll continue to work with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency on the intersection of Maces Road and Dyers Road (SH 74) as this is a state highway.

We’re proposing safer intersections:

This includes narrowing intersections and installing safe speed platforms and pedestrian crossings. We'll be visiting residents and businesses where proposing changes directly outside their properties. If you miss our visit, we'll leave a calling card.

  • Hay Street, Butterfield Avenue and McGregors Road
  • Hay Street and Korora Street
  • Hay Street and Ruru Road
  • Keighleys Road and Bromley Road
  • McGregors Road and Walcot Street
  • Korora Street and Kawau Crescent

We're also proposing safer roads:

  • Bromley Road / Raymond Road
  • Outside Bromley School

Safety improvements we're proposing include narrowing intersections, safe speed platforms, traffic calming and pedestrian crossings. We'll be visiting residents and businesses where proposing changes directly outside their properties. If you miss our visit, we'll leave a calling card.

Take a look at the proposed plans(external link).

Other safety improvements coming for Bromley

We're making it safer around schools and neighbourhoods by lowering the speed. These changes were consulted in 2022 and were approved by the Council on 5 July 2023(external link).  Find out more about Safe Speed Neighbourhoods Programme.(external link)

There are several other transport safety improvements in the pipeline for Bromley such as signage to deter heavy vehicles. We'll be back in touch with more details in the coming months.


Consultation with the community on safer intersections took place from 16 June to 16 July 2023 and has now closed.

The Council approved these projects in September 2023. 

We are now waiting to receive Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency funding to deliver this project.

Stay up to date about way safer streets for Bromley

Way safer streets in Richmond and Shirley

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Everyone should be able to safely walk, scooter, drive, cycle or bus where they want to go. That's why we're making several areas in Richmond and Shirley safer for travellers.

Safer cycling

We’re making it easier and safer for people to cycle in Richmond. We're developing a route that will connect cyclists from the north to the south of Richmond.

Here's what we're proposing:

  • Easy-to-install treatments such as painted markings make it safer and obvious to drivers and cyclists where the street has shared spaces.  
  • Traffic calming features such as speed humps and narrowing intersections to support lower speeds.
  • Some on-street parking will need to be removed to make space for the cycleway.

Take a look at the proposed plan(external link).


The Council approved this project in September 2023.

We are now waiting to receive Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency funding to deliver this project.

Other safety improvements coming for Richmond 

We know that 55% of crashes happen at intersections. We’re making several intersections safer, fixing roads and footpaths and, as part of the Safe Speed Neighbourhoods Programme(external link), proposing to lower speeds around schools and neighbourhoods.

Work on these projects will start soon. We will update residents and our website with more details as plans progress. 

Keeping communities updated

We'll be providing more details on projects as they progress and asking for feedback where we need community input. Keep an eye on your letterbox and our website for more information.

We’re currently delivering two intersection safety upgrade projects in Richmond and Shirley. These projects are funded under the Christchurch Regeneration Acceleration Fund (CRAF), and are not related to the projects that we approved by the elected Council in September 2023.

In Richmond, we are making two intersections safer and easier to use. This work will take place between Monday 20 November and Friday 22 December.

In Shirley, we are making essential safety upgrades to the intersection of Marshland Road, Briggs Road and Lake Terrace Road, which is one of the city’s busiest junctions. These upgrades will be completed in early December.

Way safer streets in Halswell, Hillmorton and Westmorland

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We're making it safer and easier for people to take the bus in Hillmorton and cycle in Halswell with projects planned to create cycle connections and bus lanes.

We've applied to receive Government funding to help us create cycle connections to make it safer and easier for people to bike to Ngā Puna Wai Sports Hub, and to connect Aidanfield to the Little River Link.

We're looking at improving cycling connections for neighbourhoods located in the south and west of Christchurch that are located near the Little River Link Major Cycle Route that runs alongside the Southern Motorway.

Westmorland cycle connection

We'd like to make it easier and safer for people to walk and cycle in Westmorland.

Here's what we’d like to deliver:

  • A dedicated cycleway along both sides of Cashmere Road, between Hoon Hay Road and Oderings Garden Centre, with a shared path facility on the south side of Cashmere Road, from Oderings to Penruddock Rise.
  • A pedestrian/cycling signalised crossing with a safe speed platform outside Oderings Garden Centre.
  • An improved pedestrian safety, we propose to install a raised pedestrian crossing at the Cashmere Road intersections of Ophihi Street and Penruddock Rise. We also propose to narrow the intersection of Cashmere Road and Penruddock Rise.
  • Adding additional space for the cycleway, so we would need to remove some on-street parking and remove or relocate bus stops.

Take a look at the proposed plan(external link). 


Consultation with the community on safe cycle connections took place from 16 June to 16 July 2023 and has now closed.

The Council approved these projects in September 2023.

We are now waiting to receive Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency funding to deliver this project.

Stay up to date with way safer streets in Westmorland

Way safer streets in Barrington

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We've developed a route along Simeon Street that connects cyclists to the Little River Link cycleway that runs along the Southern Motorway, Quarryman's Trail and Barrington Shopping Centre.

Here's what we'd like to deliver:
  • A dedicated two-way cycleway on the northeast side of Simeon Street.
  • A variety of easy-to-install cycle treatments including painted markings and separators.
  • To make space for the cycleway, we'll need to remove some on-street parking along the route. More information will be provided to residents and businesses where we're proposing parking loss outside their properties. If you miss our visit, we'll leave a calling card.

Take a look at the proposed plan(external link)(external link).

The Council approved this project in September 2023.

We are now waiting to receive Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency funding to deliver this project.

Stay up to date with safer cycling on Simeon Street

Way safer streets in New Brighton

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We’ve heard from local people about the things we could do to make it safer and easier to get around their neighbourhoods. One of the areas identified for improvement is Marine Parade in New Brighton.

The Government has provided funding from the Christchurch Regeneration Acceleration Facility (CRAF) for transport projects.

This funding will help towards improvements on Marine Parade to make it safer and easier for people to walk, bike, scooter and drive.

This work will include road resurfacing on Marine Parade between Bowhill Road and Hawke Street where the road condition is poor, and possibly resurfacing Bowhill Road, depending on remaining funding.

We will also complete some kerb and channel replacements and pedestrian improvements in areas where needed.

Way safer streets in Riccarton

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We've heard from local people in Riccarton about the things we could do to make it easier and safer to get around their neighbourhoods.

Riccarton is an area that has been reported as having a high number of faults such as potholes, accidents and near misses, and requests for things like more crossings and better lighting.

The Government has provided funding from the Christchurch Regeneration Acceleration Facility (CRAF) for transport projects. This funding will help towards several street upgrades and renewals in Riccarton where they have either reached the end of their life and need to be replaced, or where improvements need to be made.

Projects include:

  • Bradshaw Terrace street renewal.
  • Brockworth Place street renewal (Deans Avenue to cul-de-sac).
  • Waimairi Road pedestrian improvements.

We will also carry out a number of cycle and pedestrian safety improvements throughout the area, including the installation of tactile pavers, pedestrian refuge islands, line marking and traffic calming.

We're in the early planning and investigation stages and will be in touch with residents with more details when projects are finalised.

Public transport improvements

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We're planning to install peak-hour bus lanes along Lincoln Road and Halswell Road between Whiteleigh Avenue and Curletts Road to make it easier and more reliable for people to take the bus.

We’re working closely with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, which is also planning to install bus lanes along Halswell Road, between Dunbars and Curletts roads(external link).

As part of this work, other changes will be made to improve safety for everyone. This includes installing more pedestrian crossing points and u-turn bays, widening footpaths, making intersections safer, changing parking and relocating bus stops.

We'll provide residents in these areas with more information about when work will be starting once more details are confirmed.