We've finished making our safety improvements at the intersection of Marshland Road, Briggs Road and Lake Terrace Road.

One of the city’s busiest intersections has had a safety upgrade. Work to improve the intersection of Marshland, Briggs and Lake Terrace roads began on Monday 30 October and was finished in mid-December 2023.

Upgrades include safe speed platforms on each approach of the intersection, footpath and cycle lane improvements, a new median island and traffic signals, new road markings and changes to the light phasing. 

There were 36 crashes at this intersection between 2010 and 2019. This included 12 injury crashes with four people being seriously injured. The main causes of these crashes were red light running, right-turning traffic failing to give way and right-angle crashes.

Safe speed platforms encourage drivers to reduce their speeds across intersections, which helps everyone to feel safer on the road.

The project cost approximately $660k and was funded through the Christchurch Regeneration Acceleration Facility (CRAF). The purpose of this fund is to deliver transport projects that will improve liveability and support regeneration across Ōtautahi Christchurch.