Designed to improve efficiency and safety, this project delivers several important benefits, including:
- Safer and easier access onto Waterloo Road with the installation of traffic signals at the new intersection and level crossing. The new road layout also provides a more direct route through the industrial area, improving freight network connections to Waterloo Business Park and Pound Road.
- A more liveable environment for residential properties located on the old section of Halswell Junction Road (Panther Place), with reduced noise, vibration, and pollution. The new road link not only accommodates through-traffic but also serves as the new entry and exit point for two businesses that were previously accessed via the old road.
- Resealed road surfaces on Panther Place, Halswell Junction Road (between Foremans Road and Main South Road), and the intersection on Foremans Road, including a section of the road to the west.
- Safer and easier walking and cycling connections through the area.
- North of the railway at the new intersection, we’re installing a new signalised level crossing for both pedestrians and cyclists, which will have double automatic gates. The signalised crossing connects to the South Express Major Cycle Route(external link), which is partially completed along Waterloo Road. We will be constructing a small section of this cycleway as one of the final works in this project. The cycleway’s construction is ongoing.
- We also created a shared path on both sides of the new road link between Waterloo Road and Foremans Road, which can be used by both pedestrians and cyclists.
- Improved bus stop facilities on the new road link, including a new shelter on the southbound side and a new bus seat at the northbound stop.
- Kerb, channel and footpath renewals and landscaping enhancements.
- Upgraded water mains.