Find relevant project information on key works in the area. Projects are marked on the map below – work is under way at locations 1, 2 and 3.

Please note: We've extended our full closure at the Langdons Road railway crossing while KiwiRail fixes a signalling fault.

Papanui High School akonga (students) and pedestrians will be safely escorted over the crossing by traffic management staff during the day until the crossing reopens.

We aim to finish this work in the next few days, and then plan to open the road and footpath as usual during the day. There will then be a 7pm to 10pm stop/go system at the crossing and night closures from 10pm to 6am between mid-October until early December, with no vehicle, cyclist or pedestrian access during these times. 

Detours will be signposted at night. Maps are provided below. 

Get the latest on work happening in Bishopdale and Papanui

Langdons Road railway level crossingNorthern Line cycleway railway level crossing upgrades

We’re working with KiwiRail to complete essential renewals and safety upgrades at the railway level crossings on Harewood, Langdons and Sawyers Arms roads.

This work will include the renewal of the railway tracks and foundations on Harewood Road, and the installation of new signalised pedestrian crossings and automatic railway gates to support the Northern Line cycleway, which runs along the railway corridor.

Note: The new signals and gates cannot be commissioned for use until after work at all three crossings is complete, in early to mid-2025.

Find more information in the sections below.

All project information

1. Greers Road / Langdons Road intersection upgrade (active)

We’re making it safer and easier to use the intersection of Langdons Road and Greers Road in Bishopdale by installing new traffic lights and modifying the road layout. The adjacent Reynolds Avenue will become left in/left out only at Greers Road.

Our construction programme runs from 6 August to the end of November 2024. For the most up-to-date information on the timing of different traffic impacts, see the table below. Other information can be found on the start works notice(external link).

Date Traffic impact
5 October (6pm) to the end of November 2024
  • There is no access to Reynolds Avenue at Greers Road – please follow the signposted detours.
  • Shoulder closures and footpath detours.
  • 30km/h speed limit.
  • A two-way traffic system has now been reinstated 

Detour maps

During the intersection closure between 1 to 5 October, several detours will be signposted to direct traffic around the closure points. The roads used for detours are marked on the map below.

Langdons Road and Greers Road intersection closure detour map

While the Greers/Langdons intersection is closed, the detour route around the night closure at Langdons Road railway crossing – at the eastern end – will adapt as follows:

Langdons Road closure detour route during the Langdons/Greers closure

During periods when the eastbound one-way system is in place on Langdons Road (see table above), there will be signposted detours to redirect westbound traffic around the lane closure. A map showing this primary detour route can be found below.

Detours for residents affected by the closure of Reynolds Avenue (at Greers Road) will be signposted throughout the project. For simplicity, the map just shows ‘resident access’ points on the detour routes with orange arrow markers.

Greers Road Langdons Road intersection upgrade detour

Why an upgrade is needed

Greers Road / Langdons RoadApproximately 29,000 people travel through this area every day. The intersection has faced increased traffic flow due to the development and expansion of businesses in the area. 

The installation of traffic lights will reduce delays for turning traffic, improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists, and help to reduce the volume of traffic shortcutting through adjacent neighbourhood streets.

Safety upgrades

We're making this area way safer and easier to use, by:

  • Adding new turning lanes and cycle lanes on all approaches of the Greers Road/ Langdons Road intersection to improve traffic flow and cycle safety.
  • Installing signalised pedestrian crossings to help people of all ages to cross the road safely.
  • Constructing new footpaths and shared paths.
  • Updating the layout of the adjacent intersection of Greers Road and Reynolds Avenue. This intersection will become left in/left out only, with right turns restricted to mitigate potential safety and operational issues that could occur due to the close proximity of the two intersections.

The work also includes:

  • Underground utility works.
  • Kerb and channel replacement.
  • New road surfacing.
  • Line markings.

Consultation and decision-making

The elected Council approved these plans in February 2024, following a period of public consultation(external link) in October 2023.

The approved plans were endorsed by the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood and Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Boards(external link) in December 2023.

2. Harewood Road railway crossing upgrade (active)

We’re upgrading the Harewood Road railway level crossing to improve safety and access for pedestrians and cyclists using the Northern Line cycleway, which runs along the railway corridor.

We’re working with KiwiRail to deliver a range of safety upgrades, including a signalised pedestrian crossing that will make it safer and easier to get across the busy road. We'll also be replacing the full length of the railway track across the road and installing new foundations.

In addition, automatic railway gates have been installed to make it safer for pedestrians/cyclists on Harewood Road to cross the tracks. The gates will also be used by people using the cycleway, as it crosses from being on the western railway corridor to the eastern side at Harewood Road.

The new signalised pedestrian crossings and automatic railway gates will not be commissioned for use until after work at all three crossings is complete, in early to mid-2025. 

This is because the new pedestrian crossings, automatic railway gates and new flashing lights and bells have been designed in one new interlocking signalling system across Harewood Road, Langdons Road and Sawyers Arms Road railway crossings.

Upgrade works at all three crossings must be completed before the switchover can happen from the old signalling system to the new one.


Our construction programme at the Harewood Road railway crossing ran from 7 September to mid-October and started with a three-week road closure at the railway crossing.

Find more information on the start works notice.(external link)

Why an upgrade is needed

Man cycling on the Northern Line cycleway.The average daily traffic on Harewood Road, recorded at a traffic counter(external link) beside the railway crossing, is 13,840.

On the Northern Line cycleway, which crosses Harewood Road, there are more than 500 daily cycle trips recorded on average (data is recorded at the Fendalton Road railway crossing).

Students walking on foot to Papanui High School – just north of Harewood Road and accessible by the Northern Line cycleway – will also benefit from the signalised crossing.

Due to the higher traffic volumes and risk at Harewood Road, we planned more significant railway crossing upgrades into the design of the cycleway at this location, to ensure the safety of cyclists and pedestrians.

Significant track renewal works will also be included in the Harewood Road railway crossing upgrade to improve the road and track's resilience. These measures were required to comply with current KiwiRail standards. 

We’ve done the upgrades now, as our programme and resourcing are coordinated with KiwiRail, who have availability for the Harewood Road and Langdons Road works in 2024.

Renewals and safety upgrades

We've installed:

  • A new concrete slab foundation across the road with a full-length railway track replacement.
  • New traffic signals and foundations, to create a signalised pedestrian/cycleway crossing.
  • Automatic pedestrian railway gates and foundations, for safe access across the railway tracks on both sides of the crossing.
  • Additional flashing lights and bells.
  • Fencing to guide pedestrians into the safe crossing points.
  • Advanced detector loops on the cycleway that connect with the signals.
  • A raised platform on Restell Street to encourage safe speeds.

We’ll also be relocating underground utilities, widening the shared path areas, making landscaping enhancements and completing a range of engineering improvements to the railway crossing.

These upgrades will help to ensure everyone can get to where they need to go, safely and easily.

3. Langdons Road railway crossing upgrade (active)

Langdons Road railway level crossing

We’re upgrading the Langdons Road railway level crossing to improve safety and access for pedestrians and cyclists using the Northern Line cycleway, which runs along the railway corridor.

We’re working with KiwiRail to deliver a range of safety upgrades, including a signalised pedestrian crossing that will make it safer and easier to get across the busy road.

We'll also be installing automatic pedestrian gates to make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists on Langdons Road to cross the tracks.

The new signalised pedestrian crossings and automatic railway gates will not be commissioned for use until after work at all three crossings is complete, in early to mid-2025.

This is because the new pedestrian crossings, automatic railway gates and new flashing lights and bells have been designed in one new interlocking signalling system across Harewood Road, Langdons Road and Sawyers Arms Road railway crossings.

Upgrade works at all three crossings must be completed before the switch over can happen from the old signalling system to the new one.


Our construction programme at Langdons Road railway crossing runs from 18 September to early December and includes a nine-day full road closure at the railway crossing. Find more information on the start works notice (external link)or see below for a summary of the traffic impacts.

Date Traffic impact
6 October (6am) to 14 October (6pm) 2024 – Currently extended beyond 14 October while we conduct some safety checks with KiwiRail

Full road closure at the crossing (day and night):

  • No vehicle, cyclist or pedestrian access.
  • Please follow the signposted detours. Maps are provided below.
Mid-October until early December 2024

Evening stop/go from 7pm to 10pm: 

  • One lane at a time under temporary traffic lights, due to a lane closure at the crossing.
  • 30km/h speed limit. 

Night road closure from 10pm to 6pm at the crossing:

  • No vehicle, cyclist or pedestrian access.
  • Please follow the signposted detours. Maps are provided below.

No impact during the day.


When Langdons Road railway crossing is closed (whether a night closure or full closure) to traffic, cyclists and pedestrians, signposted detours will be in place. There are three maps below, showing what will be in place.

The first map shows the roads used for traffic detours:

The second map shows the night detour route during the nearby intersection closure of Greers Road / Langdons Road from 6am 1 October to 6pm 5 October:

Langdons Road closure detour route during the Langdons/Greers closure

The third map shows the pedestrian and cyclist detour route around the closure on the Northern Line cycleway:

Roads used for detours Langdons Road railway crossing October 2024

School children and adult cycling on the Northern Line cycleway

Why an upgrade is needed

The average daily traffic on Langdons Road, recorded at a traffic counter(external link) beside the railway crossing, is 12,535.

On the Northern Line cycleway, which crosses Langdons Road, there are more than 500 daily cycle trips recorded on average (data is recorded at the Fendalton Road railway crossing).

Additionally, students walking on foot to Papanui High School – just north of Langdons Road and accessible by the Northern Line cycleway – will benefit from the signalised crossing.

As with Harewood and Sawyers Arms roads, Langdons Road has higher traffic volumes and risk than other roads along the cycleway route.

Due to this, we planned more significant railway crossing upgrades into the design of the cycleway at this location, to ensure the safety of cyclists and pedestrians.

These measures were required to comply with current KiwiRail standards.

We’re doing the upgrades now, as our programme and resourcing is coordinated with KiwiRail, who have availability for the Harewood Road and Langdons Road works in 2024.

Safety upgrades

We're installing:

  • New traffic signals and foundations, to create a signalised pedestrian/cycleway crossing.
  • Automatic pedestrian railway gates for safe access across the railway tracks on both sides of the crossing.
  • Additional flashing lights and bells.
  • Fencing to guide pedestrians into the safe crossing points.
  • Advanced detector loops on the cycleway that connect with the signals.
  • Upgraded street lighting.

We’ll also be widening the shared path areas, making landscaping enhancements and completing a range of engineering improvements to the railway crossing.

These upgrades will help to ensure everyone can get to where they need to go, safely and easily.

4. Sawyers Arms Road railway crossing upgrade

We’re upgrading the Sawyers Arms Road railway level crossing to improve safety and access for pedestrians and cyclists using the Northern Line cycleway, which runs along the railway corridor.

We’re working with KiwiRail to deliver a range of safety upgrades, including a signalised pedestrian crossing that will make it safer and easier to get across the busy road.

Our construction programme for Sawyers Arms Road railway crossing is yet to be confirmed but is expected to begin in early 2025. It would include a similar road closure timeframe as the Langdons Road railway crossing.

Why an upgrade is needed

The average daily traffic on Sawyers Arms Road, recorded at a traffic counter(external link) beside the railway crossing, is 5,310.

On the Northern Line cycleway, which intersects Sawyers Arms Road, there are more than 500 daily cycle trips recorded on average (data is recorded at the Fendalton Road railway crossing).

Students walking on foot to Papanui High School – just south of Sawyers Arms Road and accessible by the Northern Line cycleway – will also benefit from the signalised crossing.

While Sawyers Arms Road has higher traffic volumes and risk than other roads along the cycleway route, it has less than half the traffic volume of Harewood and Langdons roads.

To reflect this, the signalised crossing was planned into the design of the cycleway at this location, but not the automatic pedestrian gates. Instead, design features help to ensure pedestrians and cyclists have a clear view of the track in both directions prior to crossing.

These measures comply with current KiwiRail standards.

Safety upgrades

Look for trains signage at a railway crossingWe're installing:

  • New traffic signals and foundations, to create a signalised pedestrian/cycleway crossing.
  • Barriers (pictured) fixed with ‘Look for trains’ signage, designed to ensure pedestrians and cyclists have a clear view of the track in both directions prior to crossing.
  • Additional flashing lights and bells.
  • Fencing to guide pedestrians into the safe crossing points.
  • Advanced detector loops on the cycleway that connect with the signals.
  • Upgraded street lighting.

We’ll also be widening the shared path areas, making landscaping enhancements and completing a range of engineering improvements to the railway crossing.

Where there is a painted cycle lane connecting the Northern Line cycleway with the Papanui Parallel cycleway, we will construct a separate cycle lane to upgrade this important link in the cycleway network.

These upgrades will help to ensure everyone can get to where they need to go, safely and easily.

5. Cranford Street / Main North Road recabling works

We are replacing the traffic signals and cabling on the Cranford Street and Main North Road intersection, as they are at the end of their useful lives.

In late August we carried out investigation works at the intersection to prepare for the full scope of works. The programming of this future work is currently paused, in consideration of the other high priority road and rail works in the area.

The works include, but are not limited to:

  • Installation of new ducting
  • Installation of new traffic poles
  • Reinstatement of footpath and pavement
  • Concrete cutting and pouring for islands
  • Road marking and signage.

A start works notice will be distributed in the area before any work starts. This page will also be updated when any programme timing is confirmed.

Traffic impacts at a glance

The chart below shows how the programme and traffic impacts have been planned across the various locations between August and December. As work on the Sawyers Arms Road railway crossing is not planned until early 2025, it is not included here. Similarly, the recabling works at the intersection of Cranford Street and Main North Road have not been programmed.

To view the traffic impacts for each project separately, see the sections above.


Minor traffic management 
During the dates shown in yellow, there is minor traffic management, such as road shoulder closures and 30km/h speed limits, however, regular two-way traffic will be maintained.


24-hour one-way
During the dates shown in pink, there is a 24-hour one-way system on Langdons Road from Greers Road to Morrison Avenue for eastbound traffic only. A signposted detour is in place for westbound traffic. There is also no access to Reynolds Avenue at Greers Road, with detours available.


During the dates shown in orange, there is a stop/go at the railway crossing. This will allow one lane at a time under temporary traffic lights. At the Harewood Road crossing, this will be between 7am and 7pm, and at the Langdons Road crossing, this will be between 8pm and 6am. There are no impacts outside of these hours.


Evening stop/go and night closure
During the dates shown in green, there is an evening stop/go at the Langdons crossing between 7pm and 10pm. This will allow one lane at a time under temporary traffic lights. Then, from 10pm to 6am, there is a night road closure, with signposted detours. There are no impacts during the day.


24-hour road closure
During the dates shown in red, there is a 24-hour road closure at the crossing. Signposted detour routes will be in place, supported by temporary traffic lights to manage traffic flow.

Benefits of shared path cycleways

Woman walking her dog on a shared path.Shared path cycleways make it safer and easier to bike and scooter around Christchurch, while also providing convenient routes for walking or running. Whether used as a way to get to work or school, or for recreation or even walking the dog, our major cycleway routes enable people to enjoy fun, affordable and healthy travel.

Cycle numbers are continuing to grow as as more routes link up different parts of the city. We want to make Christchurch a more liveable city and make it easier for people who are choosing cycling as their main mode of transport. 

As our population grows, it benefits everyone when more people take up cycling to get around, as it helps to reduce congestion and emissions. When we construct or upgrade cycleways, we also make improvements that benefit the whole community.

For the Northern Line railway crossing upgrades, we've programmed our work to include KiwiRail renewals, such as the replacement of the train tracks and foundations on Harewood Road. This will ensure the long-term resilience of the railway level crossing, while reducing disruption to the area by combining all the work into one project.

Other community benefits include upgrades that will make it easier and safer to cross both the road and the railway tracks, improving access to local schools and retirement villages. We're also making landscaping enhancements. With the new signalised pedestrian crossings, the road environment at the cycleway crossing points will also be less hazardous for drivers travelling through the area.