Create a safer environment for students, parents and staff travelling to and from school.

Kiss and drop at schools

School drop-off and pick-up is a busy time. 

Three-minute (P3) and five-minute (P5) parking is available to stop and help your child out of the car.  These parks are the safest places to drop your child off to walk into school on their own.

Please remember:

  • If you wish to walk your child to their class, please park down the road.
  • Have your child use the door on the footpath side of the car – it’s safer.
  • Double parking is unsafe – it puts children in front or behind moving vehicles, where drivers may not see them.
  • Move forward along the parking bay when the car in front leaves – it helps keep traffic flowing. 

Park Smart at Schools

Park Smart at Schools is a two-week programme designed to encourage a safer and less stressful parking environment around Christchurch schools.

Across the fortnight, we'll provide your school with parking education and reinforcement of safe parking practices at an agreed time during the term.

  • The first week focuses on public education to promote safe ways to park around schools.
  • The second week will involve the enforcement of safe parking practices. Where appropriate parking compliance officers will aim to educate first. 

Anyone considering this programme is also encouraged to work with us to develop a free School Travel Plan(external link), for a holistic approach to school travel.

We're here to help

To learn more about Park Smart at Schools or about School Travel Planning, please email