This is a 4WD track that offers a long steady climb to Summit Road. Extend your ride to finish at Worsleys Road.
Start: Halswell Quarry, Kennedys Bush Road.
Finish: Summit Road, Port Hills.
Access: Climb up Crocodile Track or from Kennedys Bush Road.
Signage: Posted at each end.
Shared route: Yes.
Description: This is the longest ascent on the Port Hills.
Extend your adventure and finish at Worsleys by turning onto Summit Road and continuing for 1.6 km. Turn left up a short section of road to the top of Worsleys Spur. Descend 2.6 km down the heavily rutted Worsley Track to Worsleys Road.
Grades 1 and 2
Grades 3 and 4
Grades 5 and 6
Grades 1 and 2
Grades 3 and 4
Grades 5 and 6