Christchurch bike map

There are now more than 75km of cycleways, which make getting around way safer and easier for everyone.

Discover new connections with the latest bike map

Download a copy of the bike map [PDF, 3.1 MB] or pick up a copy of the new map at Council Customer Service Hubs, your local bike shop, Ara Institute, or the University of Canterbury.

You can also visit our cycleways page, which describes the current status of our 13 major cycle routes, including completed cycleways, partially complete, and planned cycleways.

To see public bike parking spots on the digital map below, select Cycle Stands from the list of map layers.

Subscribe to our seasonal cycling newsletter and keep up to date

Cycling in Waimakariri

The Waimakariri District has plenty of opportunities for cyclists, including off-road tracks alongside the Ashley/Rakahuri and Waimakariri Rivers which are managed by Environment Canterbury.

Cycle facilities and trails in the Waimakariri District(external link).

Cycling in Little River

The Christchurch to Little River Rail Trail is a cycleway and walkway between Christchurch and Little River.

Find information and maps for the Little River Rail Trail.(external link)



Cycle lane

Shared path

Shared zone

Te Ara Ōtākaro Avon River Trail

Parking square 100x101

Cycle stand

Parking square Pink100x101

Locky Dock

car park building map square

Undercover cycle stand

Takiuru ki ā mātou ratonga
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