Customer experience for integrated service.

Citizen Hub Strategy [PDF, 1.9 MB]


This strategy is intended to:

  • Identify how citizens and customers want to interact with Council regarding services, channel choice and community facilities
  • Identify why citizen hubs may be best positioned to service and meet customer expectations 
  • Identify the current state and what changes are required to meet the future state implementation phases
  • Provide a basis against which Council can measure success.


Christchurch City Council has reviewed the future arrangements for delivery of community based services including Libraries, Service Centres / Desks, Recreation & Sports Centres, Community and Governance Services with a view to overall improvements in the services provided to customers and the community.

We are proposing a shift to integrated service delivery arrangements whereby Council physical services are grouped together in convenient locations for citizens to access - a Citizen Hub with no wrong doors. This will be supplemented with an assisted-digital strategy whereby most simple Council service transactions can be automated, or completed on-line.

We currently operate a very "bricks and mortar" service arrangement, where different Council services have developed stand-alone service locations and approaches (often all in the same neighbourhood). The review has found that this siloed legacy service model is no longer fit for purpose. Customers increasingly expect joined up services, easy one-stop transactions, and channel choice in how they engage with us.

A set of design principles have been developed to guide improvement opportunities and the future state model. An implementation approach whereby council libraries will form the base for integrated, multi-discipline citizen hubs is proposed. The focus will shift to the delivery of an integrated customer experience and channel choice including more self-service options.

The building blocks of technology infrastructure, such as providing customers with quicker and easier access to information and the ability to choose self-service as an option, are key to the success of this strategy and improving customer experience.

The Citizen Hub strategy is consistent with the organisational priority to improve services to a variety of customer groups, and deliver customer focused and efficient service offerings through multiple channels of customer choice.

This strategy has been developed in order to deliver a better experience for Christchurch citizens at all of our service facilities.