We've adopted a budget which focuses on doing the basics well and strengthening Ōtautahi Christchurch’s infrastructure.

Christchurch City Council's Annual Plan 2022/23 was adopted on 21 June 2022, and outlines what we'll spend on projects and day-to-day services over the next financial year and how they'll be financed. Read more on Newsline. (external link)

You'll find everything you need to know right here

The big issues we kept in mind for 2022/23

There were four big issues at top of mind when we developed the Long Term Plan 2021–31.

They remain key priorities, and they've shaped the decisions about our spending over the next year. 

Climate change

With sea levels rising and storm surges becoming more frequent, the effects of climate change are already being felt in Christchurch. We’re adapting to our changing environment and making decisions in the face of uncertainty. Read more.(external link)


With nationwide water reform on the horizon, the Council will maintain its focus on protecting our water source and ensuring Christchurch’s water is safe, secure and ultimately free of chlorine. We’re also continuing to invest in the infrastructure required for the collection and disposal of wastewater and stormwater.

The Government intends to press on with the establishment of four independent entities to deliver the wastewater, stormwater and drinking water services that are currently being provided by local authorities. Until those entities are up and running (expected to be by 1 July 2024), local authorities will continue to be responsible for providing water services to their communities.


Our city is growing. That means more people contributing to our economy, but it also means more demand for services. You’ve told us to keep rates as low as we can while continuing to invest in our city for future generations – this requires a careful balance of priorities and funding, while weighing up the effects of inflation, rising interest rates and COVID-19.

Keeping our roads, footpaths, facilities and assets up to standard

Upgrading our aging infrastructure and earthquake-damaged assets is always a focus. We’re delivering $15.3 billion in capital projects over the next 30 years. This year’s Draft Annual Plan is all about focusing on what we can realistically do, given the wider COVID-19 impacted economic environment.

This year's big changes

Since our Long Term Plan 2021–31 was confirmed last year, the economic environment in Christchurch has been affected by the same factors that the whole world is navigating as we live with COVID-19 – inflation, supply chain issues, productivity challenges and more.

Government reforms on the horizon also need to be factored in.

All this means the playing field is uncertain, but the adjustments we’ve made in our budget give us the flexibility to respond as and when we need to.

 Changes to spending, revenue and borrowing

Our operational spending for 2022/23 is $537.5 million – $22.6 million more than what was forecast in the LTP. The increase is mainly due to higher regulatory costs, higher electricity costs, a grant for a new outdoor pool, and a number of smaller variances across different areas. See the major changes.(external link)

Excluding property-based rates, which are our biggest source of revenue, our total revenue for 2022/23 is $386.9 million – $44.1 million lower than what was forecast in the LTP.

We're taking on $177.5 million of new borrowing to help us deliver our capital programme in 2022/23 – $114.9 million lower than planned for in the LTP. Gross debt at 30 June 2023 is expected to be $2.26 billion – $330.5 million lower than planned in the LTP.

Changes to the capital programme

This is spending on the construction of facilities and infrastructure. We’ve reviewed the whole capital programme with a laser focus on deliverability and affordability – if we’re not likely to be able to complete the work in 2022/23, there’s no need to charge the ratepayer for it at this stage.

Our priorities for the capital programme are to:

  • Maintain and renew our water supply and stormwater infrastructure.
  • Improve our roads and footpaths.
  • Maintain our parks and riverbanks.
  • Complete the Major Cycle Routes so we can make the most of Government subsidies that may not be available later.
  • Build new facilities.
  • Adapt to climate change.

A total of $578.3 million will be invested in the capital programme in 2022/23, $109.5 million less than what was in the LTP. Read more.(external link)

Rates, and changes to how we rate

Your rates are used to pay for day-to-day operational spending.

We know inflation is pushing up the cost of living for residents so we want to keep rate increases as low as possible.


Rates increases

  • The average rates increase for 2022/23 across all ratepayers – households, and business and rural properties – is 4.66%.
  • The average rates increase for a typical household is 4.65%.
  • The average rates increase for a typical business property is 4.33%.
  • The average proposed rates increase for a typical farm property(external link) is 2.67%.

A new general rate differential for vacant central city land

The Council has approved a new rating scheme that will affect the owners of vacant properties in the Central City Business Zone and the Central City (South Frame) Mixed Use Zone.

In those two zones, property owners will be charged four times the standard general rate if there is no active or consented use being made of the land. However, owners will be able to apply for a rates remission if they improve the appearance of their site and keep it tidy and well maintained.

They will also be able to apply for a rates remission if their plans to develop or build on the land have been held-up because of Council delays in processing resource or building consents. Read more on Newsline.(external link)

Read all the documents in full

Browse the Draft Annual Plan 2022/23 plan chapter by chapter, as well as the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor activity plan, the full conditions for the grant to the Edgeware Pool, and the public submissions we received.

Read the approved Annual Plan 2022/23 in full [PDF, 7.3 MB].

You can also read the Annual Plan 2022/23 chapter by chapter:

Read the full Draft Annual Plan 2022/23 [PDF, 4.1 MB].

You can also read the Draft Annual Plan 2022/23 chapter by chapter:

Read the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor activity plan [PDF, 123 KB].

Read the full conditions for the grant to the Edgeware Pool(external link). See page 14.

Read the thematic analysis of the public submissions [PDF, 12 MB]

Read the submissions: