Council, 1 December 2015

This updates the bylaw regulations for the discharge of trade waste.  The bylaw's purpose is to protect the environment, the Council's sewerage and stormwater infrastructure and the public's health. 



The purpose of this bylaw is to control and monitor trade waste discharges into public sewers in order to:

  1. protect public health and the environment;
  2. promote cleaner production;
  3. protect the sewerage system infrastructure;
  4. protect sewerage system workers;
  5. protect the stormwater system;
  6. ensure compliance with consent conditions;
  7. provide a basis for monitoring discharges from industry and trade premises;
  8. provide a basis for charging trade waste users of the sewerage system to cover the
  9. cost of conveying, treating and disposing of or reusing their wastes;
  10. ensure that the costs of treatment and disposal are shared fairly between trade
  11. waste and domestic dischargers;
  12. encourage waste minimisation; and
  13. encourage water conservation.

This bylaw provides for the:

  1. acceptance of long-term, intermittent, or temporary discharge of trade waste to the sewerage system;
  2. establishment of three grades of trade waste: permitted, conditional and prohibited;
  3. evaluation of individual trade waste discharges to be against specified criteria;
  4. correct storage of materials in order to protect the sewerage and stormwater systems from spillage;
  5. correct disposal of tankered waste to protect the sewerage system;
  6. installation of flow meters, samplers or other devices to measure flow and quality of the trade waste discharge;
  7. pre-treatment of waste before it is accepted for discharge to the sewerage system;
  8. sampling and monitoring of trade waste discharges to ensure compliance with this bylaw;
  9. Council to accept or refuse a trade waste discharge;
  10. charges to be set to cover the cost of conveying, treating and disposing of, or
  11. reusing, trade waste and the associated costs of administration and monitoring; administrative mechanisms for the operation of the bylaw; and
  12. establishment of waste minimisation and management programmes (including sludges) for trade waste producers.



Part 1 - Preliminary Provisions

  • Compliance with other Acts
  • Application of the Bylaw
  • Definitions and abbreviations

Part 2 - Trade Waste discharges and consents

  • Control of discharges
  • Storage, transport, handling and use of hazardous materials
  • Classification of trade waste discharges
  • Registration of all occupiers
  • Application for a Trade Waste Consent
  • Information and analysis
  • Consideration criteria
  • Decision on an application
  • Conditions of consent
  • Duration of permitted discharges
  • Duration of conditional consents
  • Tankered waste discharges
  • Trade waste agreements
  • Technical review and variation
  • Suspension or cancellation of the right to discharge

Part 3 - Requirements to meet certain conditions of consent 

  • Pre-Treatment
  • Dental facilities
  • Mass limits

Part 4 - Sampling, analysis and monitoring

  • Flow metering
  • Estimating discharge
  • Sampling and analysis
  • Monitoring
  • Disinfected / Super chlorinated water

Part 5 - Bylaw administration

  • Review of decisions
  • Accidents and non-compliance
  • Charges and payments
  • Authorised officers
  • Transfer or termination of rights and responsibilities
  • Service of documents
  • Offences
  • Transitional provisions
  • Powers of the Chief Executive
  • Revocation
  • Christchurch City Council General Bylaw
  • Schedule 1A Permitted discharge characteristics
  • Schedule 1B Prohibited characteristics


The following bylaw is revoked by this Bylaw:

Christchurch City Council Trade Waste Bylaw 2006.