My principal place of residence is not in the Riccarton Ward area. I am also standing for Mayor.
I'm standing for Council because I believe that Christchurch needs new blood and a new culture of accountability. I'm standing here in Riccarton Ward because this is where I have built my business, and where my deepest connections to the community are. I want to be an active, energetic and always accessible Councillor, which I believe this ward desperately needs.
I have a depth of experience bringing people together to achieve exciting and unlikely things, and I want to do that for our city. As we grow, we're experiencing growing pains, and there will be friction between peoples' competing visions for our city, but I am always so humbled by what can be achieved just by tapping into the extraordinary talent I've found in Christchurch, and connecting the right people with each other.
Vote for an energetic, connected, and united Christchurch.
Vote Chirny.