My principal place of residence is not in the Heathcote Ward area. I am also standing for Heathcote Ward of the Waihoro Spreydon-Cashmere-Heathcote Community Board.
As a proud resident of the Heathcote Ward I am very involved with our community at the grassroots. I served on the Community Restorative Justice Board, am an International Peer To Peer Support practitioner, qualified fitness instructor and have established and developed a successful community initiative that assists people in finding a positive life-path forward.
I am deeply concerned about the obstacles confronting our residents; rates increases, crime, essential infrastructure, three waters and city parking costs. These issues need to be addressed immediately and in practical ways that benefit our residents.
A major hurdle that we face is the lack of trust in the council from the people. Councillors need to be more accessible and sincerely listen to the people.
It is my promise to represent our residents on council, in truth, transparency and integrity. The buck stops with me, first and foremost. Together, we can achieve positive change.