My principal place of residence is in the Halswell Ward area.
Kia ora I'm Cissy Chen.
Having called Christchurch home for fifteen years, and Halswell home for five, I am standing as your representative because I'm proud of our community. We live in a fantastic part of the city where I constantly see community spirit around me - which inspires me to give back.
I am also standing because there is more work to do. Our community is not immune to crime. Some of our residents feel unsafe. For me as a mother of two children, it is top priority that we all feel part of a safe and inclusive culture. I promise to advocate strongly for this at the council table.
Our community has a dynamic, diverse, decent future ahead. I look forward to making your voice heard as we embrace that future, together.
This candidate profile statement has been updated and is different from the one included in the printed version of the information and candidate profiles booklet.