The Strategic Framework provides a big-picture view of what we are trying to achieve for the community. It has set the foundation for the Long-Term Plan 2024-2034.

About the framework

The Strategic Framework provides the foundation for our long-term plan and guides the allocation of effort and resources. The new framework has changes to both the community outcomes and strategic priorities.

Community outcomes are required by the Local Government Act (LGA). This year they have been reshaped to show a clearer alignment to the four aspects of wellbeing as set out in the LGA (economic, cultural, social, environmental).

These high-level outcomes don't change greatly over time, but our immediate priorities can. Our Council has adopted a set of six strategic priorities it wants to focus on this term. 

These priorities reflect key issues for our communities, where councillors want to see a change in approach or an increase in focus.

Tiriti partnership

The new Strategic Framework includes a new expression of our commitment to a Tiriti partnership with mana whenua and Māori. 

The new Framework acknowledges Ngāi Tahu rangatiratanga over its takiwā and emphasises that our work with Ngāi Tahu is intended to bring about meaningful outcomes benefitting the whole community. 

Ngāi Tahu rangatiratanga over the South Island lands within its boundaries was acknowledged by the Crown in its Crown Apology(external link) to Ngāi Tahu, given at Ōnuku Marae on 29 November 1997.

It formed part of the Deed of Settlement and settlement legislation which concluded Te Kerēme/the Ngāi Tahu Treaty of Waitangi claim.

The Council vision

Our vision is:

A place of opportunity for all… open to new ideas, new people, new investment and new ways of doing things – a place where anything is possible.

The vision statement sends a message of openness and opportunity to all who live here, to the wider region, to Aotearoa New Zealand and to the world. The vision aims to sum up what we value and what we aspire to as a city.

Community outcomes

The purpose of local government, as set out in the Local Government Act (LGA), is to enable local democratic decision-making and action and to promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of communities in the present and for the future.

The Local Government Act requires councils to set community outcomes, identifying what we want to achieve for the community.

The community outcomes in our framework are designed to show a clear link to the four aspects of wellbeing in the Local Government Act. Achieving these outcomes requires collaboration with the community, iwi/Māori, central Government and other partners.

Community outcomes

A collaborative confident city

Our residents have the opportunity to actively participate in community and city life, have a strong sense of belonging and identity, and feel safe.

A green, liveable city

Our neighbourhoods and communities are accessible and well-connected, supporting our goals to reduce emissions, build climate resilience and protect and regenerate the environment, especially our biodiversity, waterbodies and tree canopy.

A cultural powerhouse city

Our diverse communities are supported to understand and protect their heritage, pursue their arts, cultural and sporting interests, and contribute to making our city a creative, cultural and events 'powerhouse'.

​A thriving prosperous city

Our city is a great place for people, business and investment where we can all grow our potential, where enterprises are innovative and smart, and where together we raise productivity and reduce emissions.

A collaborative confident city

Our residents have the opportunity to actively participate in community and city life, have a strong sense of belonging and identity, and feel safe.

A green, liveable city

Our neighbourhoods and communities are accessible and well-connected, supporting our goals to reduce emissions, build climate resilience and protect and regenerate the environment, especially our biodiversity, waterbodies and tree canopy.

A cultural powerhouse city

Our diverse communities are supported to understand and protect their heritage, pursue their arts, cultural and sporting interests, and contribute to making our city a creative, cultural and events 'powerhouse'.

​A thriving prosperous city

Our city is a great place for people, business and investment where we can all grow our potential, where enterprises are innovative and smart, and where together we raise productivity and reduce emissions.

Strategic priorities

While the high-level community outcomes we aim to achieve don't change greatly over time, our priorities for each Council term do, so our Council chooses to adopt strategic priorities in addition to the community outcomes.

The strategic priorities reflect key issues for the community where elected members want to see a change in approach or increase in focus this Council term. They don’t refer to all Council activities, but they highlight issues many Council work programmes have scope to impact. 

The Mayor and Councillors would like us to:

  • Intensify work on the priorities.
  • Align skills and resources according to the priorities.
  • Collaborate across the Council on the priorities.

Strategic priorities

Be an inclusive and equitable city

Be an inclusive and equitable city which puts people at the centre of developing our city and district, prioritising wellbeing, accessibility and connection.

Champion Ōtautahi–Christchurch

Champion Ōtautahi–Christchurch and collaborate to build our role as a leading New Zealand city.

Build trust and confidence

Build trust and confidence in the Council through meaningful communication, listening to and working with residents.

Reduce emissions

Reduce emissions as a Council and as a city, and invest in adaptation and resilience, leading a city-wide response to climate change while protecting our indigenous biodiversity, waterbodies and tree canopy.

Manage ratepayers' money wisely

Manage ratepayers' money wisely, delivering quality core services to the whole community and addressing the issues that are important to our residents.

Balance the needs of today and the future

Actively balance the needs of today's residents with the needs of future generations, with the aim of leaving no one behind.

Be an inclusive and equitable city

Be an inclusive and equitable city which puts people at the centre of developing our city and district, prioritising wellbeing, accessibility and connection.

Champion Ōtautahi–Christchurch

Champion Ōtautahi–Christchurch and collaborate to build our role as a leading New Zealand city.

Build trust and confidence

Build trust and confidence in the Council through meaningful communication, listening to and working with residents.

Reduce emissions

Reduce emissions as a Council and as a city, and invest in adaptation and resilience, leading a city-wide response to climate change while protecting our indigenous biodiversity, waterbodies and tree canopy.

Manage ratepayers' money wisely

Manage ratepayers' money wisely, delivering quality core services to the whole community and addressing the issues that are important to our residents.

Balance the needs of today and the future

Actively balance the needs of today's residents with the needs of future generations, with the aim of leaving no one behind.