Learn about Holidays Act claims for former employees and find out about the process and eligibility.

Make a Holidays Act claim

Please complete the form so that we can complete your back payment if you are owed one. 

The Holidays Act

The Holidays Act 2003 is the law that sets out the minimum entitlements to holidays and other types of leave that employers need to provide their employees. It sets out when employees are entitled to leave and how leave payments are calculated. These calculations can vary depending on whether the employee is permanent, part-time, full-time or casual. All employers must comply with the Act.

You can learn more about the Holidays Act 2003 here(external link)

In 2016, we reviewed our compliance with the Holidays Act 2003 and found that, in some situations, we’d underpaid leave entitlements to some current and former employees. To meet our obligations to those employees, we’ve set up a programme to put things right. We’ve also completed a big technology project to update our systems and practices so that they now comply with the Act.

Our review was in two parts, the first for calculation errors made from 1 April 2011 to 31 December 2019 and the second from 1 January 2020 to 6 December 2021, inclusive. We became compliant with the Holidays Act 2003 on 6 December 2021. The review process was complex, and it took time to get it right.

Incorrect payments

Who can make a claim

How I make a claim

Receiving a payment

KiwiSaver, student loan, interest and tax

Overpayments and donations to charity