We’ve had to move the Snell Place Bridge approximately 40 metres so it doesn’t interfere with high voltage underground power lines. This new location actually helps to improve the bridge’s accessibility as we can now have a more gently sloping ramp (1:33 rather than 1:12). There will still need to be handrails at the top of the ramps for safety, as the ramps are 2.1m high at their highest point. This also helps make for a safer transition between the Dallington side, which is quieter, and the busy Avonside Roadside.
The colour of the Snell Place Bridge is now proposed to be green, which aligns with the design advice we’ve received from Matapopore, and the arches are now proposed to be made of wood rather than steel.
Some people asked if we could make the bridges entirely from timber, as a low carbon approach. Staff looked into this, but timber only has a 50-year design life and isn’t economical for bridges of more than 15 metres in length (Snell Place has a span of 30 metres, and Medway and Avondale are both 40 metres). Timber bridges also require more maintenance and that can create an ecological risk.