Central city transport project - Victoria Street upgrade

The Council approved a revitalisation plan for Victoria Street on 29 August 2019. The contractor wants to understand how the different construction activities affect businesses property owners and residents. See details of drop-in sessions below.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 18 April 2019 to 27 May 2019

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Upgrade of Victoria Street - update 3 February 2020

Christchurch City Council has awarded Fulton Hogan a $13.3m contract to upgrade both Victoria Street and Hereford Street, between Cambridge Terrace and Manchester Street.

Construction programmes are currently being finalised but the upgrade of Victoria Street will get under way first, with work expected to start in March. 

The earthquakes and subsequent demolition work have left both Victoria Street and Hereford Street in a substandard condition. Both streets need to be reconstructed to bring them up to a standard that supports the private investment that is occurring in the central city.

More information is available on the web page.(external link)

Information sessions

The contractor wants to understand how the different construction activities will affect businesses, property owners and residents. Information sessions for Victoria street will be on:

  • Tuesday 25 February, 5.30 - 7pm, Sixty6 Christchurch Casino, corner Peterborough Street and Durham Street North (presentation at the start of the  session)
  • Thursday 27 February, 9 - 10.30am, The Lounge, Knox Church, 28 Bealey Avenue (presentation at the start of the session)


Council decisions on Victoria Street project on 29 August 2019 

On Thursday 29 August the Council made the following decisions relating to Victoria Street:

 1. Approves the revised scheme design including all layout changes as detailed in option 1 of the staff report (Victoria Street Revitalisation) as per Attachment  A.

2.  Request staff to report back to Council or the relevant delegated Committee on all detailed traffic resolutions at the completion of the detailed design phase  for this project and prior to the beginning of construction.

3.  Requests staff to alter the intersection layouts of Victoria, Durham and Kilmore Streets (layout A), and Victoria and Bealey Avenue to incorporate cycle lanes  instead of shared lanes as per the memorandum dated 13/08/2019.

4.  Requests staff to investigate more cycle parking options.

5.  Requests staff to work on a parking guide for businesses.

6.  Requests staff to increase green planting where possible.

7.  Notes that there is a plan to address time-restricted parking on Salisbury Street prior to delivery of this project.

 The staff report, minutes and memorandum referred to above can be viewed at christchurch.infocouncil.biz(external link)  (item 9)

The Council plans to carry out the work on Victoria Street in stages to minimise the disruption to the local community. Details of when work gets underway and timing will be worked through once the contract is let.   

Victoria Street re-engagement update - 26 August 2019 

Council will consider the Victoria Street revitalisation report on Thursday 29 August. This was one of the reports held over from the meeting on 22 August because of the time needed to consider other matters.

The revised scheme design for revitalising Victoria Street was discussed by the Council’s Infrastructure, Transport and Environment Committee on 7 August. The Committee is recommending the Council approves the revised scheme design. 

Re-engagement update and next steps - 29 July 2019 

Seventy eight submitters provided responses on the Victoria Street re-engagement proposal between 18 April and 27 May 2019. Of these individuals and groups:

  • 13 (17 per cent) supported the upgrade of Victoria Street
  • 39 (50 per cent) generally supported the upgrade but had some feedback
  • 25 (32 per cent) did not support the upgrade
  • One submitter did not indicate a view. 

Victoria Street re-engagement report  [PDF, 38 KB]

Victoria Street revitalisation submissions [PDF, 140 KB]

Download Victoria Street preferred scheme for approval plans  [PDF, 1010 KB]

A staff report on the Victoria Street revitalisation project will be considered by the Council’s Infrastructure, Transport and Environment Committee on 7 August 2019 at 1pm. Staff are asking the Committee to recommend to Council that the proposed plan be approved.

You can read the agenda, staff report and any additional information online at christchurch.infocouncil.biz(external link)  from Friday 2 August 2019.  Minutes will be available online three working days after the meeting.

The report is expected to be considered by the Council on 22 August 2019.

Background: Why are we asking for feedback?

We have started gathering feedback from Victoria Street stakeholders about upgrading the street. The Council requested staff to carry out further engagement for this project.

Victoria Street was scheduled for renewal pre-earthquake due to its poor condition. Since then it has deteriorated even further and now needs an upgrade.

The Council wants to upgrade Victoria Street to provide an environment that supports people’s enjoyment of the area by:

  • Restoring the badly damaged street, footpaths and associated infrastructure.
  • Creating an environment that supports Victoria Street as a destination.
  • Improving the pedestrian environment by upgrading footpaths and crossing points.
  • Providing more street trees and landscaped areas.
  • Upgrading the street lighting to current standards.
  • Upgrading the stormwater system to reduce the flooding risk.
  • Providing minor changes to the Bealey Avenue/Papanui Road intersection.

Local businesses previously raised some concerns about the 2016 approved plan for Victoria Street and the timing of the work. We’ve taken another look at the plan and made some minor improvements including reducing the parking bays’ sharp angles and removing some build outs.

Victoria Street engagement plan - sheet 1 [PDF, 8.1 MB]

We now want to check back with you to see how you feel about the project. We’re also speaking to people about what other works could be done to the street and how potential disruption during the construction process could be minimised if the Council was to approve this project.

Drop-in sessions

You can chat with the project team at either of our two drop-in sessions:

Tuesday 7 May 2019 - Sixty6 on Peterborough, corner of Peteborough Street and Durham Street North. Drop in anytime between 5pm and 7pm; or

Tuesday 14 May 2019 - Knox Church, 28 Bealey Avenue. Drop in anytime between 5pm and 7pm.

The 2016 plan for Victoria Street with minor improvements will be available to view. Feedback forms will be available at the drop-in sessions.

Project team staff will also be visiting Victoria Street and calling in on local businesses.

If you have any questions, or would like to make an appointment to come and talk to us, you can contact Tara King on (03) 941 5938 or CentralCityTransport@ccc.govt.nz

Staff will report on this feedback to the Infrastructure, Transport & Environment Committee later in the year.

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