Lyttelton pedestrian improvements and minor bus stop changes

A temporary pedestrian crossing point was installed at the Oxford Street and Winchester Street intersection in 2014. It is recommended this becomes a permanent crossing with an associated minor bus stop change.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 9 October 2017 to 27 October 2017

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Consultation has now closed

Consultation on Proposed Lyttelton pedestrian improvements and minor bus stop changes has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 9th October 2017 - 27th October 2017.

We received 22 submissions with six respondents in general support, seven respondents supporting the plan but with some concerns, and nine respondents not in support of the plan.

Project feedback with team responses [PDF, 232 KB]

A report will be presented to the Banks Peninsula Community Board for project approval at their meeting on Monday 12 February 2018.  The agenda will be available on the Council website from Wednesday 7 February 2018.



A temporary pedestrian crossing point was installed at the Oxford Street and Winchester Street intersection in 2014. With Lyttelton School reopening, and merging with Lyttelton West School on Oxford Street, we are proposing to make this crossing permanent, with added kerb build outs on Winchester Street. Tactile pavers for the visually impaired, will also be installed at the at the intersection of Oxford Street and Winchester Street, and at the existing intersection at Oxford Street, London Street and Sumner Road.

Temporary crossing on Winchester Street

Temporary crossing on Winchester Street

Bus stops

It is proposed that the existing bus stops on Winchester Street (near Oxford Street) and Oxford Street (near Sumner Road), which are positioned close together, be replaced with a new single bus stop with a new seat, outside Lyttelton School on Oxford Street. This will improve the sightlines for pedestrians using the zebra crossing on Oxford Street, at Sumner Road, as the bus limits visibility while at the current stop. The proposed new bus stop will also be in a safer location for the school.

Proposed parking changes

New P3/P120 parking restrictions are proposed for Oxford Street opposite Winchester Street.  With the relocation of the current Oxford Street bus stop, there is an opportunity to extend the P3/P120 parking restrictions in this area. These proposed restrictions will assist the pick-up/drop-off for Lyttelton School, and for daytime visitors to the school and surrounding attractions. The two resident parking spaces on Oxford Street will be relocated (please see plan below).

To improve visibility for pedestrians, crossing the roads, and for passengers getting on and off the bus, we are proposing to remove some on street parking on:

  • Winchester Street near the new proposed crossing
  • North and south of the new proposed bus stop on Oxford Street 
  • At the Oxford Street, London Street and Sumner Road intersection

With the proposed removal of the two existing bus stops, five on street parking spaces will become available, with three additional spaces adjacent to the Lyttelton School playing field.  As a result of the extension of  the no stopping for visibility there will be five fewer parks overall.

Proposed concept plan

Proposed concept plan

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  • Decision made

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