Proposed pedestrian refuge - Gardiners Road, Bishopdale

We are proposing to install a pedestrian refuge on Gardiners Road, near the intersection of Fairford Street.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 24 August 2017 to 8 September 2017

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Consultation has now closed

Consultation on Proposed pedestrian refuge - Gardiners Road has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 24 August 2017 to 8 September 2017.

We received 23 submissions with 16 respondents in general support, and four respondents supporting the plan but with some concerns.  Three respondent did not generally support the proposal. 

Project feedback [PDF, 128 KB]

Team responses [PDF, 203 KB]

A report will be presented to the Fendalton-Waimari-Harewood Community Board for project approval at their meeting on Monday 27 November 2017.  The agenda will be available on the Council website from Wednesday 22 November 2017.

Why are we doing this

Proposed location on Gardiners Road

Proposed location on Gardiners Road

We are proposing to install a pedestrian refuge on Gardiners Road near the intersection of Fairford Street. To support the students and families from Cotswold School and the surrounding area, a new pedestrian refuge would make this part of Gardiners Road a safer place to cross.


As this is a popular crossing location for  students and families crossing Gardiners Road, we propose to install a pedestrian refuge near the Fairford Street intersection.

Example of tactile pavers

Example of tactile pavers

Tactile pavers will be installed outside 52 and 53 Gardiners Road to assist pedestrians who are visually impaired.

The existing street tree outside 53 Gardiners Road will need to be removed to enable the installation of the pavers. A new tree will be planted and we are seeking feedback on the preferred location with two options proposed.

To improve sight lines for the crossing, it is proposed to remove on-street parking on Fairford Street and Gardiners Road adjacent to the proposed pedestrian refuge.

Concept plan


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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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