An applicant has asked the Council, as landowner, to allow formation of a driveway and associated landscaping over unformed legal road from Aston Drive to 9021 Rothesay Road.
Consultation on an application for formed access to 9021 Rothesay Road has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from Friday 18 August 2017 to Friday 8 September 2017.
During this time we heard from 104 submitters. You can read their feedback [PDF, 604 KB].
An applicant has asked the Council, as landowner, to allow formation of a driveway and associated landscaping over unformed legal road from Aston Drive to 9021 Rothesay Road in Waimairi Beach. The unformed road from Aston Drive to the track known as Whiskey Road is a 20m wide grassed area with a gravel footpath leading to the beach.
The applicant has separately applied for resource consent. The Environment Court has directed that the applicant must find out whether the Council as owner of the unformed road will allow the driveway and planting, before the resource consent for the development of 9021 Rothesay Road can be progressed.
We are seeking feedback from the community regarding this proposal, including which is their preferred option, to assist the Council with their decision.
Two options have been proposed with both options planning (please note the proposed road signs and markings are indicative only and subject to a separate decision making process):
Rothesay Road access and planting application [PDF, 8.6 MB]
Rothesay Road access and planting application - Executive Summary [PDF, 164 KB]