Draft Annual Plan 2023/24

This year’s Draft Annual Plan sets out how we propose to manage ratepayers’ money and assets for the next 12 months. I think we can all see this is drafted against a tough backdrop.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 10 March 2023 to 10 April 2023

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Consultation has now closed

Consultation on the 2023-24 Annual Plan has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 10 March to10 April 2023.

During this time, we heard from 814 individuals and groups. You can read their feedback [PDF, 9.5 MB] and find out how this influenced the Council decision(external link).

The Annual Plan came into effect on 1 July 2023.

What is an annual plan?

Like all local councils, every three years we prepare a Long Term Plan (LTP), including a 30-year infrastructure plan, outlining what we plan to achieve over the next 10 years, and how we’ll pay for it. Our last LTP covers 2021–2031.

In the years between Long Term Plans, we develop an Annual Plan(external link) that sets out what we want to achieve, and funding for the year ahead.

An annual plan has two main purposes:

  1. It sets out our budget for the next financial year, providing information about how much our activities will cost and how we’ll fund them, including the setting of rates.
  2. It highlights any key changes from the Long Term Plan for that year.

This Draft Annual Plan covers financial year 3 of the Long Term Plan (LTP), from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.


Read the full Draft Annual Plan 2023/24(external link)

Use our budget tool to search our projects(external link)(external link)(external link), and see at a glance which Long Term Plan projects have had their budget affected by the Draft Annual Plan. 

What to keep in mind for 2023/24

There were four big issues at top of mind when we developed the Long Term Plan 2021–31. They remain key priorities, and they’re still shaping decisions about our spending over the next year.

Changes to what’s expected of us

Changes to spending, revenue and borrowing

Changes to rates

Changes to the capital programme

Key changes to fees and charges

Potential disposal of Council owned properties


Annual Plan hearings information

Useful information to assist submitters who are presenting their submission to the Council in person.

Please note when making a submission

Submission sessions time out after 45 minutes

Our feedback form works best if you're using Google Chrome. If you are using a different browser and you think you will need a little longer than this to make your submission, we advise cutting and pasting from a word document, to avoid losing any information.

If you have any questions, please contact the Engagement Advisor.

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Who to contact

Tessa Zant,
Engagement Manager

How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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