Bays Area skate project

This first part of this project involves working with the community to find a suitable location for a skate park in the Bays area, between Sumner and Ferrymead.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 26 January 2018 to 26 February 2018

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At the 3 December 2018 Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board made the decision(external link) to:

  1. Approve 26 Nayland Street, Sumner as the location for a skate park in the Bays Area subject to 20/24 Nayland Street being transferred from Crown ownership to Council ownership.
  2. Request staff to provide an update on the process for transfer of the land to Council.
  3. Note that further discussion with the community will occur through the next phase of community engagement on the future use of the balance of land at 20/24 Nayland Street that is not within the proposed skate park area.

The full staff report relating to this project(external link) is available online.

Consultation Summary

We have analysed the consultation feedback. At the close of consultation, 531 submissions were received with 313 (59%) in support of 26 Nayland Street, 105 (20%) in support of Sumner Beach, 78 (15%) in support of the old Redcliffs School Site and 28 (5%) in support of Scott Park, Ferrymead.

26 Nayland – first choice

Sumner Beach – first choice

Old Recliffs School – first choice

Scott Park – first choice


313 (59%)

105 (20%)

78 (15%)

28 (5%)


Please note that seven submitters did not select a ranking preference. 

Bays Area Skate Project:  Site selection

How did we find the potential sites?

On 24 July 2017 a community workshop was held to find out what were important considerations from a community perspective to include in a site selection criteria. Independent consultants (WSP - Opus International) then completed the site selection criteria, using community feedback and six technical reports.  This criteria was applied against a list of 57 sites, to narrow the search to 14 and then down to six sites. This process has resulted in four suitable sites for a skate park in the Bays area, which we are now seeking community feedback on.

The feedback from the community workshop also assisted with some of the weighting on the criteria.  For example we received feedback about the distance of a skate park site from neighbours being really important, so sites that were at least 40 metres from the nearest house scored the highest for that section of the criteria.

Technical report summary

There were six technical reports completed on the top six scoring sites from the site selection criteria, these reports included:

  • Archaeology assessment
  • District Plan assessment
  • Acoustic impacts e.g. noise (weighted the highest)
  • Geotechnical assessment
  • Contaminated land assessment
  • Urban design assessment (landscape architecture)

Information from these technical reports was then used to reduce the sites down to the four sites.  All of the sites have some constraints, but the acoustics report (noise) was the most favourable for the four sites we are seeking feedback on.

Sites being considered

The four sites that we would like feedback on include (in no particular order):

  • 26 Nayland Street (Sumner)
  • Old Redcliffs School site (Redcliffs)
  • Scott Park (Ferrymead)
  • Sumner Beach (near the Sumner Surf Lifesaving Club)
 Bays area skate map

Click to enlarge.


More information on the four sites

26 Nayland Street

This site is where the temporary skate ramp is due to be located, opposite the Sumner Library.

Old Redcliffs School Site

This site is at 136 Main Road in Redcliffs

Scott Park

This site is at 2 Main Road in Ferrymead.

Sumner Beach

This site is at 301 Main Road, near the Sumner Surf Life Saving Club building.

Summary of all sites

You can view a summary table [PDF, 149 KB] of each of these sites in comparison to each other.

Community workshop

Thank you to all of those who attended the community workshop on Tuesday 13 February 2018 at the Port Hills Uniting Parish Church hall in Redcliffs.  We had a steady flow of visitors between 6 pm and 8 pm.  We really appreciate the community taking the time to come and talk to us.

Community workshop in Redcliffs

Attendees at community workshop in Redcliffs

At the workshop we had four stations for each of the proposed sites and attendees were encouraged to put up post it notes indicating their likes and dislikes for each of the sites.  Colour coded post it notes were used so we were able to visually understand what people from the different areas were specifically concerned about or supportive of.  

Yellow - Sumner

Green - Mt Pleasant

Purple - Ferrymead/Heathcote

Pink - Redcliffs

Orange - All other areas

You can view a table with the feedback from the workshop.

What happens next

Once the consultation has closed all feedback will be considered by the project team, and a recommendation will be included in a staff report to the Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board.  At this stage we are anticipating that they will make a decision at their meeting in April 2018.

If a decision is made on a location for a skate park and funding is allocated for the project through the Council 2019 - 2029 Long Term Plan (LTP) process (final plan adopted by 1 July 2018), then there will be a second round of public consultation on the design of the skate park. 

Consultation on the Council 2019 - 2029 LTP(external link) is anticipated to take place around March/April 2018.

 Indicative Timeline:

  • Monday 29 January 2018 - Consultation began
  • Tuesday 13 February 2018 - Community workshop
  • Monday 26 February 2018 - Consultation closed
  • March 2018 - submitters notified of consultation outcome
  • August 2018 TBC - Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board decision meeting on a site

 You can view the consultation leaflet [PDF, 6.9 MB] which is available at Lyttelton and Sumner Libraries and will be hand delivered to properties immediately surrounding each of the four sites.

 Keep updated with this project

If you would like to be updated on this project please subscribe to the Bays Area skate project e-newsletter(external link).  We will send out an e-newsletter whenever we have something interesting to tell the community.  You can also unsubsribe to the  e-newsletter at any time.  We will also keep copies of the e-newsletter on this website.

Project Background

What has happened already?



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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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