Your feedback will help shape design, feel and functionality, as we explore plans for rebuilding South Library | Te Kete Wānanga o wai Mōkihi and Service Centre.
People were able to provide feedback from 27 July 2022 to 24 August 2022.
During this time we heard from 372 individuals and groups. You can read their feedback here [PDF, 396 KB].
You can also follow the South Library and Service Centre page here(external link) to learn more about the project and sign up to progress updates.
The building was badly damaged in the 2010/2011 earthquakes. Temporary strengthening has made it useable, but the community deserves a permanent solution that will future-proof the facility for decades to come.
Even setting aside the earthquake damage, the South Library and Service Centre building opened in 2003, and is due for an upgrade to modern standards – it could be much greener and more energy-efficient, and the space inside could be improved to better suit customers and staff.
We're engaging with the community as we explore plans for rebuilding the library and service centre.
We expect to have a concept design for the Council to consider in the first half of 2023 – then the Council will make a decision about whether to rebuild or repair. The building will keep the same floor area and remain on its riverside site.
The Council will also need to secure additional funding in a future Annual or Long-Term Plan, because at the moment there’s only $13.6 million set aside for the project, and we know that the cost of the work will be higher.
In the meantime, we’re staying open and you can keep using the building as normal.
There's no start date yet. We expect construction work to take about 18 months, and we're scheduling it for after the new Hornby Centre opens in late 2023.
While the work is underway, we’ll set up a temporary library in suitable premises.
For more information coming up, keep an eye on link)